eg SOCIAL psychological - deindividuation leads to aggressive behaviour
biological reductionism?
involves reducing human behaviour to idea that its due to our biology
includes genetics/brain structure/neurochem
example of biological reductionism?
aggression - maoal gene causes aggression & reduces complex behaviour of aggression down to its most simplisticcomponent 0 biology
environmental reductionism?
reduces human behaviour to idea thats its due to stimulusresponse
behaviour is learnt through experience
example of environmental determinism?
psychopathology - 2process model says we learn phobia due to classical conditioning
we associatephobic object with frightening experience creating conditioned stimulus response
maintained through operant conditioning - negative reinforcement
reduces complex behaviour of phobias down to its most simplistic component that we learn them
2 X of reductionism?
better explanation
too simplistic
* scientific - reductionism?
break down human behaviour to its most simplisticconstituent parts & focuses on just 1 part
means we can focus on 1 area in great detail as behaviour is reduced to isolatedvariables so likely to be scientific
bio reduc - levels of testosterone can be empirically measured leading to ability to manipukate levels of hormone & assess role it plays in eliciting aggressive behaviour
allows researchers to study different factors that influence human behaviour in controlled manner whilst establishing causal relationships
X better explanation - reductionism?
instead of reducing behaviour down to just one component can be argued that multiple things cause behaviour
eg diathesis stress model suggestd were biologically predisposed to behave in certain way but not shown until triggered by factor in environment.
problem using reduc to understand human behaviour as behaviour could be down to multiple components & not just 1 simple concept suggesting that overall a more holistic approach to explaining behaviour may be more appropriate
* practical application - reductionism
simplifying explanation of behaviour down to simple components - imbalance of nt leads to development of useful reduc treatments - drug therapy
eg sz patient are treated with antipyschotic following biologically reduc explanation - hypodopaminergia
effectiveness of treatments can be empirically tested by drug trials/placebos see if cause of symptoms are physical/psych to determine best course of treatment.
beneficial in helping lives of many ppl
effective treatment for disordered behaviours helps ppl get better & go back to work + contributes to economy
X too simplistic?
takes complexity of human behaviour & reduces it down to its most simplistic component
eg aggression is explained by action of 1 gene - MAOAL gene
belief that behaviour consists of nothing more than imbalance of neurochem means that other factors are ignored - life experiences - learn through role models - psychodynamic exp - cognitive deficits.
too simplistic to reduce behaviours down to simple components may be multiple factors involved in behaviour so treatments for conditions thatve been developed by taking bio reduc stance reduces symptoms & doesnt address cause