Marx and Engles saw religion as a conservative force which prevented socialchange by creating false consciousness.
Marx said "religion is the opium of the people"
3 functions of religion according to Marx:
religion is the opium of the people
its a tool of socialcontrol
it creates falseconsciousness
Religion is the opium of the people by:
Promising an afterlife to give people something to look forward to; therefore it is easier to put up with misery now to enjoy the blissfulafterlife.
Religion makes a virtue out of suffering- making it appear as if the poor are more ‘Godly’ than the rich.
Religion offers hope of supernaturalintervention to solve problems on earth: makes it pointless for humans to try improve their conditions
Religion can justify the social order and people’s position within that order e.g. TheGreatChain of Being
religion as a means for social control:
the bourgeoisie and church support one another, and the church legitimated social inequality, thus maintaining the established social order.
religion is only necessary under exploitative systems and is unnecessary under communism
It keeps people in their place
the relationship between church and the state:
The church and the state were seen as one in former times, as today it is in certain countries (Iran)
Although modern British monarchs no longer claim divine right, Elizabeth II's coronation in 1953 was similar to HenryIV- she was crowned by and blessed by archbishops.
work together to maintain the statusquo
In support of Marxism:
the Methodist Church played a key role in preventing workingclassrevolution in 19th century Britain.
Slave owners in southern states in America convertedslaves to Christianity- seen as controlling gentle influence
In America, religion is used to supportdominant groups.
Modernprotestantfundamentalist religions in the USA support right wing and conservative values.
In Britain, the royal family serve to legitimatise the state as the King is the symbolic Head of all institutions of the state.
Against Marxism:
Fails to consider secularisation- less than 10% of people attend church
Martin Luther King was a Baptistminister
FidelCastro- a staunch communist- acknowledged the continuingappeal of religion in Cuba despite having being discouraged by the communist state.
Many church goers are middleclass. According to Marxists, middleclasses have no reason to go to chruch.