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Cards (10)

  • Tulving suggests that long term memory is a multi-part system made up of two or more components containing different types of information
  • Declarative memories are explicit and requires a conscious effort to recall whilst procedural memories are implicit and do not require a conscious to recall (not for 12 marker)
  • Episodic Memories are memories of personal experiences and require a conscious (explicit) effort to recall. A single memory can include, people, places and object all bound to one memory episode. The strength of the memory depends on the levels of emotional arousal at the time it is coded and the memory is time stamped
  • Semantic memories contain facts about the world and are always being added to. They require a conscious (explicit) effort to recall. It represents the knowledge base for everything you now, is less personal and is not time stamped
  • Procedural memory stores action motor skills which can be recalled without a conscious effort (implicit). Actions occur without having to recall how they happen and many are formed early in life as early life involves learning of important motor skills. They are often difficult to explain