
Cards (6)

  • Types of nucleic acids found within cells of higher organisms
    • Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
    • Ribonucleic acid (RNA)
  • DNA
    • Nearly all the DNA is found within the cell nucleus
    • Its primary function is the storage and transfer of genetic information
    • This information is used (indirectly) to control many functions of a living cell
    • DNA is passed from existing cells to new cells during cell division
  • RNA
    • RNA occurs in all parts of a cell
    • It functions primarily in synthesis of proteins, the molecules that carry out essential cellular functions
  • Nucleic acid molecules

    • They are polymers
    • The monomer units are nucleotides
  • Scientists obtained the first evidence that nucleic acids are responsible for the storage and transfer of genetic information

  • This evidence was obtained 75 years after the discovery of nucleic acids