Cards (27)

  • Lagos is in South West Nigeria
  • 90% of the population in Lagos have a formal job
  • 10,000 people move to Lagos every week
  • 80% of Nigeria's industry is based in Lagos
  • Largest city in Nigeria with 21 million in 2016
  • Lagos is the financial centre of West Africa
  • Lagos is the 5th largest contributor to UN peacekeeping missions
  • From 1990 to 2015 the life expectancy in Lagos has increased from age 46 to 53
  • From 1990 to 2015 the expected years of schooling in Lagos has increased from 6.7 to 9
  • In 2012 the Lagos State Water Regulatory Commission became responsible for ensuring safe water supply in Lagos
  • Two power stations are being built in Lagos to reduce the city's shortage of electricity
  • 78% of jobs in Lagos are tertiary jobs
  • 15% of the population live in Lagos, but it contributes to 30% of the GDP
  • Makoko is a slum home to 100,000 people
  • Over 60% of the population live in slums
  • Only 10% of the population in Lagos has clean piped water
  • Less than 50% of the city has adequate sanitation systems
  • Power supply is unreliable in Lagos. The richest have their own generators.

    Two new power stations are being built
  • Unemployment rate is 9.9%
  • People work in the informal economy
  • The city bought three helicopters for the police to spot criminal activity
  • Lagos produces 8 million tonnes of waste a year
  • Over 50% of Lagos' water supply in contaminated
  • People spend approx. 3 hours in traffic a day
  • LAMATA have created a 'Transport masterplan' including rail, road and boat systems
  • The floating school provides education for 100 children
  • Only 10% of houses have clean water