Well defined head, 2-4 sensory tentacles with eyes, ventral foot (+propodium). Olfactory organs, eyes, statocysts, mechanoreceptors
Class: Bivalvia
Marine, freshwater molluscs with a two part shell enclosing their laterally compressed bodies
Body structure in Bivalvia
Reduced head, NOradula, visceral mass, muscular foot – on the ventral side is the Byssus which produces Byssus threads (filaments) for attaching to the surfaces, 2 calcareous shells (CaCO3) connected by hinge (pánt) and umbo
Digestive system in Bivalvia
No mouth, mostly filter feeders through gills, phytoplankton
Circulatory system in Bivalvia
1 ventricle + 2 atria
Excretory system in Bivalvia
Organ of Bojanus
Nervous system in Bivalvia
Less complex, no brain, nervous network and series of paired ganglia
Sensory system in Bivalvia
Less developed, mechanoreceptors, chemoreceptors, short tentacles, statocysts, mostly no eyes
Reproduction in Bivalvia
Gonochoristic (the opposite of hermaphroditic)
Class: Cephalopoda
Includes octopuses, squid, cuttlefish, marine animals (only 1 brackish species)
Body structure in Cephalopoda
Bilateral symmetry, large prominent head, visceral mass, arm/tentacles
Body covering in Cephalopoda
Epidermis with chromatophores, no exoskeleton
Body support in Cephalopoda is cartilage (cuttlebone)