
Cards (10)

  • Studying the mind used to be a philosophy
  • Wundt (1870s)

    Started controlled emperical scientific research
  • Wundt set up the first psychological lab in Germany, studying internal mental processes using introspection (looking inwards)
  • Wundt conducted their study using a metronome, for analysing your own conscious experience to standard stimuli
  • Wundt got participants to report present experiences such as sensations, emotional reactions and mental images
  • Wundt was named the Father of Psychology due to changing Psychology from a subjective to objective study of the brain
  • Wundt's research established the behaviourist and cognitive approach, promoting investigating psychology
  • (+) A03: Lab Study
    Wundt paved the way for scientifically controlled research in Psychology
  • (+) A03: Cognitive Approach
    Study of the internal mental processing was continued by cognitive psychologists later on, who built models of how processes worked e.g. memory
  • (-) A03: Criticised Study
    Behaviourist learning psychologists criticised it believing internal mental processing couldnt be scientifically studied using introspection