
Cards (14)

  • Behaviourist approach was developed to make psychology more scientific with high control experiments
  • Classical Conditioning

    Learning through association
    • NS consistently paired with the UCS to become CS
  • Pavlov (1897)
    Dogs associating bell with food and salivating
  • Operant Conditioning

    Learning through trial and error
    • Making the connection between behaviour and concequences
  • Skinner (1938)

    Rats learning to pull a lever for reward of food, and learning to press a button to prevent floor electrocution
  • Positive Reinforcement
    Adding a stimulus to increase behaviour
  • Negative Reinforcement
    Removing a stimulus to increase a behaviour
  • Behaviourists believe that humans are born with a 'blank slate' (tabula rasa)
  • Punishment
    Adding a stimuli to decrease behaviour
  • Extinction
    Stopping reinforcement will stop behaviour
  • (+) A03: Watson
    Little Albert, learnt fear response to white rats
    • Seeing a rat whilst hitting pole behind head to create CS
  • (+) A03: Real Life Application
    Used to develop treatments like counter-conditioning to prevent phobias
  • (-) A03: Unethical
    Used in settings to condition and control behaviours through token economies, such as prisons to prevent behaviours, no application to normal society
  • (-) A03: Deterministic
    Environmental determinism due to believing that there is no free will involved in decision making, that the environment controls behaviours learnt