Cards (11)

  • Honesty is an expression of our basic respect for the dignity of all persons.
  • God - The source of truth. The source of all knowledge and wisdom, of
    truthfulness and honesty, of fortitude and moral integrity.
  • The eighth commandment - upholds the value of truth by positively
    commanding us to respect the good name of others.
  • Lying - is a direct violation of the eight commandment.
  • A person who lies under oath before a court of law is guilty of perjury, a serious offense because the very life and freedom of the accused are put in jeopardy.
  • Slander or Calumny means speak falsely against someone with the goal of destroying that person’s good name.
  • Detraction means to speak out publicly what is actually true but is
    unnecessarily destructive of a person’s good name and reputation.
  • Gossiping and Backbiting- whether about something true or untrue, whether one begins it or merely entertains it-corrodes the foundation of trust and respect in any community because of its prejudiced, one sided disclosure of reality and the covert manner by which it is done.
  • Teasing - Adults who were victims of such forms of verbal bullying as children have had to bear lifelong psychological scars.
  • Name-calling and teasing clearly violate the human dignity because they disrespectfully focus on certain traits or weakness of people.
  • Media - is a powerful tool both for education and for the formation
    of values.