Robert North

Cards (6)

  • Robert North
  • Repertoire
    • Death and The Maiden 1980
    • Lonely Town Lonely Street 1981
  • Death and The Maiden
    • Choreographed by North
    • Movement - death girls cover eyes and ears showing death is blinding and deafening her, she shivers, showing death is cold and harsh, gestural and pedestrian movements - girl has hands on her head as if to say 'stop' whilst Death moves in circles around her, surrounding her
    • Aural - smaller orchestral piece, Schubert's quartet 1824 which portrays a conversation and interaction between Death and The Maiden, music dictates structure of steps
    • Visual - Death is personified by a man, Death and maiden as they have the closest relationship to death, rest of cast wear muted greys and beiges
  • Lonely Town Lonely Street
    • Choreographed by North
    • Movement - Jazz style, 7 sections of dance incorporating jazz and ballet, sections see a man who is lonely and receives no attention in a busy city, a couple where a man is trying to get a woman to love him, to the man leaving, pathways explored - dancers move around the space in a grid like formation showing the 'blocks' of houses and how an urban city is depicted by night
    • Aural - The music was popular album by Bill Withers - contrast to traditional aural used in DATM
    • Visual - Depicts an urban city - fire escape stair cases, neon street signs, general street things such as bins and benches, scaffolding, costume was casual symbolic of universal experience
  • Development of company
    • Focused on improvement of musicality, dramatic quality and technicality
    • Make dance more watchable
    • Focused on the choreography of North, Bruce (associate choreographer) and Alston
    • Making new works
    • Celebrated British choreographers - including Michael Clark who was seen as the 'punk' choreographer
    • North continued Chesworths importance of education by taking exerts of his work LTLS and showing it in schools to emphasise the eclectic styles of movement Rambert was now portraying
    • Expanded styles of dancing (jazz, flamenco)
  • Characteristics
    • Strong connection to aural setting
    • Abstract linear
    • Music visualisation