RM + ethics

Cards (7)

  • RM studies
    Brunner - case
    Coccaro - correlation
  • Features of a case study? +/-
    In-depth investigation of single person or small group/community. Triangulation for rich and detailed info. Info relates to events in the individuals past as well as significant events currently occurring in their life.

    Detailed info, insight into further research, allows investigation in areas unethical to do so.

    Difficult to generalise to wide population, and difficult to replicate. May have researcher bias due to close relationship with group/individual and is time consuming to do.
  • Features of a correlation study? +/-
    Looks at relationship between 2 covariables, no manipulation between variables. Can be a positive, neg or no correlation where results can be plotted on a graph. Can measure the relationship and calculate a concordance rate.

    used to research things that wouldn't be able to manipulate. Produces quantitative data, good to analyse and compare.

    Only predict a relationship, extraneous variables can change it.
  • 8 ethical factors, what is the ethical issue?

    Psychological/physical harm, deception, informed consent, right 2 withdraw, debrief, anonymity, confidentiality, privacy.

    Cost vs benefits for researcher and participants.
  • What studies am i going to use for ethics? + why?
    Brunner - had informed consent - went to researcher for help, kept privacy due to only naming them as a Dutch family.

    Arnone - Gained consent for drug trial. Sensitive topic = kept private, confidential and anonymity. Had deception as they all thought they were taking a drug. In the debrief they would have been told if they had the drug or the placebo group.
  • Structure for an ethics 22 marker?
    Intro - what r ethics, BPS, list 8 ethics and the debate - prioritise researchers or participants. Link to bio approach mention the ethical considerations with Arnone and Brunner.

    Main body - brief study, 3 ethical issues.

    Debate + conclusion
  • Structure for a RM question?
    Intro - Bio treatment argues biological impact for behaviour. Look at nature rather than nurture as they only look at biological impacts (e.g., genes) rather than impact from our environment.

    Brunner (case) + Coccaro (correlation).

    Features of case:
    - Indepth research into person, small group or community.
    - Triangulation can be used.
    - Relates to events in individuals past or events occurring now.

    Features of correlation:
    - Looks for relationship between 2 covariables.
    - Does not manipulate variables.
    - +/- or no correlation.
    - Results can be plotted on graph.
    - Calculate a concordance rate.

    + of case:
    - difficult to generalise wider pop.
    - Difficult to replicate.
    - Research bias - relationship.
    - Time consuming.

    + of correlation:
    - Only predict a relationship, not extraneous variable which could impact it.

    Conclusion - what RM is better?