Disorders that affect the emotional state of those suffering from them, e.g. the current emotional mood is distorted or inappropriate to the circumstances
AIM: to investigate the thought processes of depressed people to establish if they make use of negative schemas.
METHOD: thought processes were measured using the DAS. Participants filled in a questionnaire assessed by a Likert scale (1-7) for 17 statements e.g. ‘people will probably think less of me if I make a mistake’.
Weissman and Beck (1978)
RESULT: found that depressed participants made more negative assessments than non-depressed participants. When given therapy and coping mechanisms, their scores improved.
CONCLUSION: depression involves the use of negative schemas.
Construct validity (supporting research) - W+B – supports the cognitive explanation of depression
Highly useful – can start to create treatments to help
Other explanations for depression – low levels of serotonin – hormonal explanation
Use of questionnaires in BECKs study – exaggerated negative emotions due to depression OR social desirability bias