Emotion on cog

Cards (5)

  • Intro? Define emotion, cognition and FBM?
    issue - does digi tech influence emotion + cognition, specifically FBMs?

    Emotion - conscious mental reaction of a strong feeling directed towards someone or a specific object.

    FBM - highly detailed, emotional and vivid memory which is seen as a 'snapshot
  • Schaefer 2011
    Aim - investigate if memories of the 9/11 terrorist attack are influenced by reception context - whether people heard the news from TV or in person.

    Procedure - 38 University students were asked to free recall when they heard the news 28 hours after the event and 6 months later.

    Divided into groups:
    1) immediate viewing - saw the event on live TV.
    2) delayed viewing - saw the event on TV hours after the event after being told by someone else.

    Results were coded into 9 topics = Time, location, what they were doing, informant, others, clothes, first thought, feelings, and what they did after.

    Findings - Delayed viewings of images of the event resulted in less elaborate details of the event 6 months later, compared to the immediate group.

    Conclusion - Receiving news of the event on TV does not make you remember the news more. However, info learned through the media was more reliable and detailed. Therefore being exposed to emotional information from the media enhances reliability over time.

    Critical thinking:
    Participants were tested 28 hours and 6 months later, showing how memory can change and be distorted as well as giving proof for FBM.
    Responses were coded - allowing for further in-depth.

    Free recall which was good - however they may have been prompted by researchers to remember.
  • What is depression? What is maladaptive thinking?
    Mental disorder characterised of low mood for over 2 weeks.

    Negative thought patterns - self, future and experiences. E.g., failed an exam = failed at life.
  • CBT? Internet based CBT?
    Cog behaviour therapy - beck cog triad (self, future and experiences). Fix maladaptive thought processes which changes unhealthy behaviours.

    Does not fix the problem just how the individual deals with it. As they identify unhealthy thoughts and replaces them with positive ones.

    ICBT - overcome obstacles preventing the treatment of mental health. (Geographical distance, social stigma and cost).
  • Titov 2009
    Aim - investigate how effective internet-based clinician assisted computerised CBT is for depression.

    Procedure - 45 depressed assigned to sadness program or waitlist (control).

    sadness program - 6 online sessions, weekly h/w, weekly email from psychologist and to complete a discussion forum.

    Findings - 20 (74%) completed 8 week program. Significantly reduced symptoms of depression by the Beck Depression Inventory questionnaire.

    Conclusion - Internet based CBT significantly improves depression symptoms and provides insight into further research and treatment.

    Temporal validity - 2009.
    Real life application - online therapy.

    Small sample size
    Self-reported questionnaire.
    Ethical - waitlisted.