Jesus and the Liturgy

Cards (14)

  • The Lord's Supper - St. Paul's message to the Corinthians primarily intends to warn the Christians of their behavior as they come together in prayer and worship. This passage tells us about the importance of liturgical celebration.
  • "bread and wine" - Words of consecration.
  • "eat and drink" - Examples of action and observing this in "remembrance" of Jesus is already the liturgy celebrating the Paschal Mystery of of Christ.
  • Liturgy - "Official public worship of the church"
  • Eucharist - Center of the Church's Liturgy.
  • In the early church, the liturgy meant everything that all Christians did in taking part in God's work.
  • The PCP II calls forth a "full active participation of the whole people of God."
  • Paschal Mystery of Christ - His passion, death and resurrection, ascension, and the sending of the Holy Spirit.
  • The essential qualities are Trinitarian and Paschal, Ecclesial, Sacramental, Ethically Oriented, and Eschalogical.
  • Trinitarian and Paschal - Directed to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
  • Ecclesial - Liturgy is the prayer of the Church gathered in an ordered assembly playing different roles. Ex. priest, deacon, ministers, etc.
  • Sacramental - Liturgy celebrates the Church's prayer with the use of symbolic patterns, ritual movements, gestures and verbal formulas to create a framework within which the corporate worship of the Church can take place.
  • Ethically Oriented - Liturgy relates directly to moral life since it empowers the people of God to full Christian discipleship. Manifests in daily activities and services.
  • Eschatological - makes present Christ's saving Paschal Mystery whereby he inaugurated God's rule, the kingdom. Points to the future glory yet to come.