Fertilisation in plants and into fruit/seed growth
fusion of gametes (pollen grain nucleus + ovum nucleus)
ovum (egg cell containing female nucleus) --> ovules --> ovary
1. pollen grain lands on stigma of flower
2. POLLEN TUBE grows out of grain + down through style to ovary and into the ovule
3. nucleus of male gamete moves down tube to join with female gamete in ovule. fertilisation occurs when the new nuclei fuse to form a zygote --> through mitosis into divide into embryo
fertilisation leads to fruit + seed growth:
1. ovule develops into seed after fertilisation
2. walls of ovule develops into seed coat (TESTA)
3. parts of flower surrounding ovule (ovary walls) develop into fruit which contains seeds
4. fruits provide mechanism for SEED DISPERSAL (releasing seeds from parent plant:
- method 1: fruits eaten by animals which then disperse the seeds via faeces (tough out coat of seeds (TESTA) prevents seed from being digested)
- method 2: fruits have sticky hooks that get caught in fur of passing animals