dual processing = principle that information frequently gets processed simultaneously at separate conscious and unconscious levels
Daniel Kahneman
visual perception track = recognize things and plan future actions
visual action track = guides moment to moment actions
heuristics = mental shortcuts
ex: driving, daily choices, behavior, quick decisions in fhock
Availability heuristic = cardiovascular v. cancer deaths
representative heuristic = mental prototype/stereotypes, doctors v. nurse or male v. female
base rate heuristic = ignoring current data to make predictions (surveyed ppl ignore data about a woman coming from a strong math and science background to predict they will likely become librarians
system 1 = idea of avoiding cognitive distress to avoid shifts, challenges, etc. to our mental outlook and avoid stress
quick, on the fly, emotional thinking that relies on heuristics
unconscious, intuitive, dominant system (95%)
System 2: high road, deliberative, analytical
more reliable, slower, reasoned, considers possibilities, needs concentration, relies on logic and attempts to think in the abstract outside of emotion
cognitive dissonance = mental stress that you feel when you hold 2 contradictory or inconsistent thoughts in your mind simultaneously
proposed by Festinger, arises when 2+ ideas conflict
"dissonance" induces mental discomfort that the human mind naturally and vigorously seeks to reduce as it can reduce stress (health, diet, etc.)
stronger "dissonance" = stronger motivation to reduce its discomfort
change action or change belief
consciousness = an awareness of oneself and one's environment AND the ability to respond to stimuli in that environment
in EMS is evaluated as a person, place, time and event
William James = "stream of consciousness"
describes perpetual fluctuation of subjectivity in a never-ending experience that is ever-changing
impaired consciousness = reduced ability to be aroused/reduced alertness/reduced awareness of oneself and their enviornment
unconsciousness = the abscence of awareness of oneself an environment their environment
RAS in the brainstem
both cerebral hemispheres
bilateral thalami
to a brain leison, systemic diseases and psychiatric cayses/physical injury die to alterations in intracranial pressure
triad of coma = respitory rate depression, LOC/COMA, pinpoint pupils
cushings reflex = increase in heart rate and blood pressure
glasgow coma scale = assesses responsiveness of individuals on basis of
eye opening, motor, verbal
coma = profound state of unconsciousness, eyes closed (short/long term) of the ability to be aroused even with vigorous stimuli such as a sternal rub