Topic 7- Empire Declining, Christianity Rising

Cards (16)

  • The Decline of the Roman Empire
    Where and When
    Where: Western part of the Roman Empire
    When: c. 200- 500 AD, Gradual Decline, Emperor in West dethroned, 476 AD
  • Causes of the Decline of the Empire: Political Instability
    •  More civil wars
    •  Imperial succession uncertain
  • Causes of the Decline of the Empire: Barbarian Invasions
    •  Increase in 200s, again in 400s 
    • Barbarians assimilate, but loyalty to Rome doubtful
  • Causes of the Decline of the Empire: Declining Population
    •  From 70m to 50m 
    • Epidemic, famine (esp in West)
  • Causes of the Decline of the Empire: Manpower Shortage
    •  Lack of agricultural workers – leads to reduced crop output 
    • Lack of soldiers
  • Causes of the decline of the empire: Heavy Taxation
    •  Rising taxes 
    • Increasing reluctance to pay
  • The Empire and Christianity ( C. 300-400 AD ) - Tetrarchy
    •  2 co-emperors – 1 in east, 1 in west 
    • 2 “caesars” (one under each co-emperor) 
    • For better defense 
    • To secure succession (ceasars next in line)
  • The Empire and Christianity ( C. 300 - 400 AD ) - The Great Persecution
    •  C. 300-310 
    • Diocletian’s goal: return empire to true (pagan) worship 
    • Worst persecution of Christians – and last
  • The Empire and Christianity ( C. 300 - 400 AD) - Rise of Constantine
    •  Born in Serbia 
    • Father a co-emperor 
    • Wins new civil wars in west, then east 
    • Ultimately becomes sole emperor 
    • Founds Constantinople (east)
  • The Empire and Christianity ( C. 300 - 400 AD ) - Toleration to official religion
    •  Edict of Milan (313) - Grants toleration to all religions, including Christianity  
    • Paganism suppressed, 395 A.D. 
  • Why did Christianity spread? - Theory of Rodney Stark
    •  Slow, steady growth 
    • Independent of toleration, govt support
    •  3.4% per year does the trick
  • Why did Christianity Spread? Witness of the Martyrs
    •  “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church”
  • Why did Christianity spread? Christian Community
    •  Open to slaves, the poor 
    • Almsgiving 
    • Aid in times of epidemic 
    • “See how they love each other”
  • Why did Christianity Spread? The Christian Family
    •  Higher birth rate than pagan families
    •  Opposed to contraception, abortion, and infanticide (pagans v. girls) 
    • More even sex ratio 
    • Faith transmitted
  • Why did Christianity Spread? More facts

     - Relatively high status for women 
    • Personal Evangelization 
    • Intellectual attractiveness of the teachings
  • St. Augustine - Confessions
    • St Augustine converts to Christianity
    • Soul transforms and repents to journey towards God
    • Theft of Pears: doing the bad thing just b/c its bad
    • The conversion was like " a light of sanctuary poured into my heart; every shadow of doubt melted away "