The term malaria originates from Medieval Italian: mala aria "bad air". The word was coined during the medieval period when people believed that the disease was caused by the foul-smelling air coming from marshes and swamps.
Incubation period: 8 to 15 days; 11 days (shortest)
Anemia is more pronounced (targets all types of RBCs)
Severe blackwater fever: An increase in RBC destruction leads to the release of hemoglobin in the urinary system, which oxidizes and becomes black (Hemoglobinuria: hemoglobin in the urine)
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC): Blood clots form throughout the body (blocking the small blood vessels)
Tropical Splenomegaly Syndrome: Enlargement of the spleen because of recirculation of destroyed RBCs
Hemozoin: brown pigment in blood smears and vessels, Metabolic product of parasite
CNS involvement is common (Cerebral malaria, Affects blood vessels that supply the brain)