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Cards (26)

  • St. Louise de Marillac
    Also known as Louise Le Gras
  • Parents
    • Louis de Marillac (accepted her as his daughter but had refused to make her his heir)
  • Child
    Michel Le Gras
  • Counselor
    St. Francis de Sales
  • Spiritual Director

    St. Vincent de Paul
  • Attributes
    Widow's clothing
  • Louise was born at Le Meux, France

    August 12, 1591
  • Married to Antoine Le Gras at Church of St. Gervaise
    February 5, 1613
  • Antoine became bedridden
  • At Pentecost, God revealed his plans to Louise, in what she referred to as "Lumiere" or "Light of Pentecost"

  • Louise and Vincent met
  • Antoine died

  • Saint Vincent asked Louise to join his charity work

  • Louise set up a training center, of which she was Directress in her own home

  • Vincent de Paul founded the Daughters of Charity with Louise as superior
    November 29, 1633
  • Louise took vows and attracted great number of candidates
  • Vincent allowed four of the members to take vows

  • Daughters of Charity was formally approved
  • Louise died (68 years old) at Paris

    March 15, 1660
  • The congregation had more than forty houses in France
  • Canonized by Pope Pius XI
    March 11, 1934
  • Beatified by Pope Benedict XV
  • Declared as Patron of Christian Social Workers by Pope John XXIII
  • She is celebrated by the Roman Catholic Church on the 9th of May and the Episcopal Church on the 15th of March
  • Buried at the cathedral in the motherhouse of the Daughter of Charity
  • There are over 25,000 daughters of charity today