Berry 2006 aim, procedure, findings, conclusion
Aim - investigate how well immigrants adapt to their new culture.
Procedure - 26 cultural backgrounds in 13 countries, with 7997 participants between the ages of 13 and 18 with a mean age of 15.3.
Used unstructured questionnaires with questions related to acculturation such as cultural attitudes, acculturation attitudes and sociocultural adaptions. All had to rate from 1-5 on questions.
Results - Coded into 4 immigration profiles:
1) People in the integration group = had more integration meaning they were good with old and new cultures.
2) People in the national profile = had assimilation meaning they are losing old culture due to focusing on new culture.
3) People in the ethnic group = had a separation strategy meaning they linked to the old culture but not the new one.
4) Diffuse profile = mix of separation, assimilation, and marginalization meaning they are negative about all cultures.
Conclusion - Integration is the most successful acculturation strategy due to it being more positive. Individuals will be happier if they remember their old culture but make an effort within the new culture as it is important for psychological adaptation.