May present as visual field cuts, dysarthria, double vision, vertigo, numbness, weakness, focal sensory/motor disturbances
ABCD2 score for risk of stroke after TIA
1. Age > or = 60 (1)
2. BP > or = 140 systolic or 90 diastolic (1)
3. Unilateral weakness (2)
4. Speech disturbance without weakness (1)
5. Duration > or = 60 min (2)
6. Duration 10-59 min (1)
7. Duration < 10 min
8. DM (1)
Imaging for TIA
1. MRI within 24 h if ABCD2 score > or = 4 or Crescendo TIAs (> or = 2/week)
2. If lower risk à imaging within a week
Investigating cause of TIA
1. ECG + Holter
2. Echo (thrombus or vegetations)
3. Carotid US: may show carotid dissection or carotid artery stenosis
Carotid artery stenosis
Stenosis > 70% & symptoms à endartectomy
Stenosis < 50% à no intervention
Stenosis 100% à no intervention
Chronic treatment of TIA
Aspirin, statin, risk factor control
Aphasia types
Fluent, Comprehension, Repeats: Anomic
Fluent, No Comprehension, Repeats: Wernicke's/sensory
Fluent, No Comprehension, No Repeats: Conduction
Non-fluent, Yes Comprehension, Yes Repeats: Transcortical motor
Non-fluent, No Comprehension, Yes Repeats: Broca's/motor
Non-fluent, No Comprehension, No Repeats: Global
Broca's Aphasia (Motor)
Slow, laborious, non-fluent, poorly articulated speech (in both spontaneous speech and repetition) with spared word comprehension (can understand)
Broca's Aphasia (Motor)
Ischemia or other lesions in the left posterior inferior frontal cortex, in the distribution of the superior division of the left middle cerebral artery (MCA)
Wernicke's aphasia
Fluent but meaningless speech output and repetition, with poor word and sentence comprehension
Wernicke's aphasia does not strain to produce words and does not appear to be searching for them
Wernicke's aphasia
Ischemia in the posterior superior temporal cortex, in the distribution of the inferior division of the left MCA
Global aphasia
Severe impairment in all aspects of language; the area of ischemia often involves both anterior and posterior language areas (Broca and Wernicke areas)