Can't use random allocation as they are the condition. Impossible for researcher to directly manipulate the IV as the IV is usually stuff like gender or existence of a mental disorder. The IV is dispostional as its a characteristic of the individual.
+use of controlled lab conditions so standardised.
+ecological validilty: research is less artificial than lab settings, can generalise the results to real life.
-PP allocation: you can't randomly allocate pp into each condition so can be affected by confounding variables.
Natural experiment
The IV isn't manipulated as it's a naturally occurring event. The researcher has little control over the social conditions of the experiment.
+lower demand characteristics: PP might not know they are in a study so behaviour is normal and isn't changed.
+ethical: it's possible to investigate areas that would be impossible to manipulate under lab conditions.
-causal relationship: researcher doesn't manipulate IV.
-Likelihood of situation happening again: may be a rarely occurring situation, reduces chances of replication.
Field experiment
Take place in an environment where behaviour would naturally occur. e.g. casino to study how long gamblers stay on a slot machine.
IV (key variable) is manipulated by researcher in an attempt to control extraneous variables that may influence the DV.
+high ecological validity: no lab setting so can be generalised to real life
+lower demand characteristics: PP are unaware they are in a study.
-replication: procedures are not standardised so difficult for replication
-Ethical issues: there is a lack of informed consent as don't know they are a part if the experiment.
Lab experiment
highly controlled and standrdused envirnment where ut's easy to control and manipulate variables. IV is manipulated by the researcher and it's effect on the DV is measured.
+high control: extraneous variables can easily be controlled and replication can happen so can asses findings for reliability.
+causal relationship: control of extraneous variables which are not the IV so may influence the DV.
-demand charcteristics: PP know they are in a study and may change behaviour so not true behaviour is shown.
-low ecological validity: lab settings so no real life behaviour.