
Cards (23)

  • With his brandish steel which smoked with bloody execution
    Steel instead of sword so nicer tone Steel is hard and mixture so extended metaphor for Hard character ironic as uses nature to cover up sins which he disrupted "must be done tonight"  ---------------------------------------------------- Initial euphemism juxtapose with bloody execution as this show ruthless nature forbode struggle mental state and brutal murder and struggle with heat oppressed brain
  • "out damned spot"

    Hallucinating due to guilt
    Guilty conscience
    The consequence of removing God's annoited
  • Prince of cumberland: that is a step which i must fall down on

    : and Aside hint at conscience Slows pace show confusion and conscience Juxtapose witch fast pace so not alligned dissasociated with hovering words Ironic as he kills Duncan ------------------------------------------- Euphemism for killing so conscience Makes it seem like staircase so hovering words and ambition cause him to lose control Killing spree link to Duncs murder prophesies are steps on a staircase
  • "double double toil and trouble fire burn and cauldron bubble" - Witches act 4

    Hypnotic repetition and rhyming couplets so they are shows aa perfect example of supernatural shows how they are deceitful towards macbeth Fire create an image of irreversible damage so foreshadows the irreversible damage caused to macbeth through witches entrancing nature macbeth hubris blinds him from seeing deceitful prophesies leading to damage
  • " is this a dagger which i see before me? the handle towards my hand"

    Motif of death dagger signifies death and also macbeth barbaric nature and him beginning to become a tyrant rhetorical question in soliloquy paired with hallucination signifies beginning of mental decline.  his conscience been plagued with guilt because of him commiting regicide
  • have pluckd my nipple from his boneless gums/ and slashd the brains out"

    "boneless gums" reinforce child is vunerable and undeveloped- Lm has no remorse in neglecting vunerable life. " boneless" could be her alluding to how macbeth is spineless and weak as wont commit to murder. Uses both meanings to taunt macbeth with the idea of his fate.
  • " with Tarquins ravishing strides, towards his design" act 2 scene 1

    shows macbeth ambition to become tyrannical tarquin was a tyrannical leader who was overthrown through alluding to tarquin macbeth is ambitious to become a feared ruler that is backed up by "ravishing" create image of enchantment so he is enchanted and blinded by his ambition
  • Macbeth
    • Initially presented as a brave and capable warrior
    • His physical courage is joined by an enslaving ambition
    • He has a tendency to self-doubt
  • Shakespeare uses the eponymous Macbeth as a construct to show the terrible effects that ambition and guilt can have on a man who lacks strength of character
  • Macbeth's bravery

    • with his brandish steel that smoked with bloody execution
    • described as "brave Macbeth"
  • Enslaving ambition

    shown in "Prince of Cumberland: that is a step which I must fall down"
  • Tendency to self-doubt
    shown in "is this a dagger which I see before me"
  • from the heat oppressed brain
    Cause by pressure of witches hovering words Makes them the inventor he feels he needs to complete them to finish prophesies -----------------------------—------------- Brain is most powerful in body so that becomes plagued so may struggle to carry out witches prophesies, making them incomplete so plagued aswell Macbeth maybe victim of own ambition so dehumanised like a witch so  Ambition seen negative
  • That I may pour my spirits in thine ear
    Shows how Lady Macbeth have more mental power Ironic as out damned spot maybe witches hover with her too ----------------------------------- Link to hamlet pouring poison OS and LM is eve  So is Macbeth a victim? Maybe as LM couldnt have kids so want him king So sorry for LM? Both victims of supernatural
  • How is Guilt shown through Macbeth

    " Is this a dagger which I see before me? The handle towards my hand? Come let me clutch thee" Calls the Dagger an "instrument" "oh full of scorpions is my mind dear wife"
  • How does Macbeth show Ambition 2 Quotes 

    "Vaulting ambition witch oerleaps itself and falls on th'other" "With Tarquins ravashing strides towards his design"
  • How is the Theme of supernatural shown through Macbeth
    " So foul and fair a day I have not seen " " Why do you dress me in borrowed robes "
  • How is Appearance vs Reality shown in Macbeth
    " Stars hide your fires, let no light see my black and deep desires " " Make out faces vizards to our hearts "
  • What are the main motifs of Macbeth 

    Light and dark
    Sleep: peace, death, innocence
  • Weather
    Pathetic fallacy forbode Dunc death and Scotlands plunge Thunder and lighting associated with witches
  • Light and dark 

    Light presents hope, Dunc shown as positive but nieve. Darkness show evil and loss of hope LM+M both call for darkness as have a conscience. LM more evil to align with witches which is atypical
  • Sleep- Peace, Death Innocence :)

    "Death" as Dunc Murder in sleep "Macbeth doth murder sleep shows how Macbeth lost peace and innocence as cant say amen due to conscience
  • Birds
    Owl eats the falcon shows how nature turns on itself Shows natural order disrupted due to death of Duncan which plunge Scot in chaos Raven forbode Duncan death "hoarse" "fatal entrance" Owl shrieks and is a bad omen so forbodes death of Duncan