Cards (18)

  • Guillain-Barre Syndrome
    Acute inflammatory demyelinating symmetrical ascending polyneuropathy
  • Guillain-Barre Syndrome

    • Preceded by URTI or diarrhea (especially campylobacter jejuni/EBV/CMV)
  • Progressive ascending symmetrical distal limb weakness
    • +/- numbness
  • Autonomic
    • postural hypotension
    • cardiac arrhythmias
    • ileus
    • bladder atony
  • May progress to

    1. respiratory muscles
    2. respiratory failure
  • May progress to
    1. facial muscles
    2. bilateral lower CN 7 palsy
  • Sudden hypotension/tachycardia
    autonomic dysfunction, pulmonary embolism
  • Cause of death

    • respiratory failure
    • pulmonary embolism
    • infection
  • CSF
    Elevated protein, normal cells # & sugar (albumin-cytological dissociation)
  • Nerve conduction studies
    • Slowing of motor conduction: most
  • Antibodies against GQ1b

    Seen in Miller-Fisher syndrome (rare variant affecting CN to eye muscles→ophthalmoplegia & ataxia)
  • MRI
    • Needed to exclude transverse myelitis and cord compression
  • Differentials
    • Hypokalemia
    • Polymyositis
    • Myasthenia
    • Botulism
    • Poliomyelitis
  • Treatment
    1. No role for steroids
    2. Mainstay: IVIg or plasma exchange
    3. ↓ duration & severity
  • IVIg
    • Fewer side effects but contraindicated in pts with IgA deficiency
    • Dose is 0.4g/kg daily for 5 days
  • Monitor vital capacity using PFTs

    1. Every 4 hours for respiratory distress
    2. If FVC falls below 80% predicted
    3. Transfer to ICU +/- mechanical ventilation
  • Heparin
    • To prevent thrombosis
  • Physiotherapy
    1. To prevent contractures
    2. NGT/PEG tube if swallowing problems