relies heavily on the existence of the unconscious mind and critics doubt this even exists As its existence is difficult to prove
unscientific and subjective
psychodynamic therapies that have been attempted to treat offenders have not been successful
psychodynamic strengths
Researchers have pointed to the importance of earlysocialisation and familyrelationships in understanding criminal behaviour (Blackburn, 1993)
Eysenck (weaknesses)
Relies on self-reportquestionnaires, which may not produce valid results as people may lie
personality traits are not stable as people tend to behave differently across different situations
Farrington examined a range of studies, showed prisoners are neurotic and psychotic but not extroverted
social learning theory (weaknesses)
based on lab studies which is an artificial setting and findings may not be valid for real-life situations (lacksecological validity)
assumes people’s behaviour is completely determined by their learningexperiences and ignores their freedom of choice
snapshot study with no long term effects discovered
SLT strengths
research support - Bobo doll shows children who observe aggressive behaviour being rewarded,imitated that behaviour. shows the importance of role models in learning deviant behaviour
General criticisms of individualistic
artificiality - often use lab experiments, how someone behaves in a lab may not reflect how they act in real life.
sample bias - often use studies of convicted criminals, may not be representative of criminals who got away.
Neglect of social factors - takes little account of social factors such as poverty