
Cards (14)

  • Ka'aba

    The black cube-shaped building in the centre of the Grand mosque in Makkah (Mecca); the holiest place in Islam
  • Id-ul-Adha

    A Muslim festival that celebrates the prophet Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice his son for God
  • Hajj
    The annual pilgrimage to Makkah (Mecca) that every Muslim should try to make at least once in their life
  • Ibrahim in Islam

    • He is seen as the father of the Arab people as well as the Jewish people through his two sons, Isaac and Ishmael (Isma'il in Arabic)
    • Muslims believe that he fulfilled all the tests and commands given to him by God, and so was promised to be the father of all nations
    • They believe that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was descended from Ibrahim through his first son, Isma'il
    • The Qur'an presents Ibrahim as a role model because of his obedience to God, his kindness and compassion and his refusal to worship false idols
  • Ibrahim is an important religious figure in Islam, Christianity and Judaism; for this reason, these three religions are called Abrahamic religions
  • Ibrahim
    A young man determined to discover who created the universe
  • Ibrahim declared his beliefs in one God and was determined to stop idol worship
  • Ibrahim felt the Pagan environment he was in did not have the answers he was looking for
  • Ibrahim believed God was not the star or the sun or the wind or the moon - all these forces that he saw
  • Ibrahim's actions at the big feast by the riverbank

    1. Saw his opportunity to destroy the statues and figures
    2. Destroyed all the statues except the largest one
    3. Left a large axe around this statue's neck
  • The people were furious and demanded Ibrahim be burned alive
  • Ibrahim was chained and a fire was started
  • A miracle happened: only Ibrahim's chains were burned and he walked out of the fire completely safe
  • As a result, many people began to follow God