environmental alliances

Cards (3)

    • international cooperation is essential in tackling climate change, work interdependantly to try to strategically manage global problems
    • the IPCC creates reports that inform the united nations framework convection on climate change(UNFCCC)+ proposed recommendations
    • led to 4 notable conferences of the UNFCCC- COPs
  • COP21-paris 2015
    • greater emphasis on adapting industries and giving financial support to countries most affected
    • countries agreed to continu reducing greenhouse gase emissions
    • and to keep any rise in temp below 2 degrees
  • COP26-glasgow 2021
    • sought to establish stronger set of emissions targets for all countries in order to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees
    • phase out use of coal power and provide stronger financial support for greener energy development
    • also provided financial support for nations who have suffered 'loss and damage' due to climate change