5 pillars( sunni) 10 obligatory acts (Shi;a)

Cards (18)

  • 5 pillars

    Shahadah, salah, sawn, zakah, hajj
  • “Worship Allah, say your five daily prayers, fast during the month of ramadan”- Sunni islam quote
  • 10 obligatory acts shi’a

    Salah, sawn, zakah, hajj, jihad, khums, amr-bil-maruf, nahy anil munkar, tawallah, tabarra
  • The 10 obligatory acts are different from the 5 pillars of sunni islam because its an extension to 5 pillars without shahadah
  • Salah
    5 prayers daily
  • sawn
    not eat, drink, smoke, have sex during ramadan
  • zakah
    Giving 2.5% to charity
  • hajj
    perform hajj at least once in lifetime
  • jihad: a struggle or fight against the enemies of Islam
  • khums
    giving 20% of income on needs
  • amr-bil-maruf
    following the straight path by doing what is halal
  • nahy anil munkar
    stayinng close to allah
  • tawallah
    avoiding what is haram and avoiding sin
  • tabarra
    staying away from those who arent close to god
  • “There is no deity but god”
  • shahadah is said at key moments
    • 3 times in-front of witnesses
    • when muslim wakes up
    • go bed
    • prayers
    • when buried
    • last thing they said before they die
  • shahadah in sunni
    there is no god but allah and muhammad his prophet
  • Shahadah in shi’a
    There is no god but allah, muhammed is his prophet, and Ali is representative of god