10-Holy books

Cards (5)

  • Suhuf Ibrahim
    Scrolls of Abraham, an early scripture now lost, which taught Muslims what Allah revealed to the Prophet Ibrahim
  • Tawrat
    The Jewish holy book, revealed to Moses (known as Musa in Islam), which teaches that Allah had messengers before Muhammad, contains the Ten Commandments, and according to the Qur'an contains the judgement of Allah
  • Zabur
    Psalms given to Dawud (King David), mentioned in the Qur'an as having been revealed to Dawud, similar to the psalms found in the Bible
  • Injil
    A book believed to have been given to Isa (Jesus), the meaning of which has been changed over time, which teaches the revelations that Muslims believe were revealed by Allah to Isa, and which Muslims think reveals the coming of Muhammad
  • "And in their footsteps, We sent Jesus the son of Mary, confirming the Law that had come before him.": 'Quran'