Cards (19)

  • the thorax is the top part of your body its separated from the lower part by the diaphragm
  • oxygen diffuses out the alviolus (high concentration) into the blood (low concentration)
  • the circulatory system carries food and oxygen to the body cells and removes waste products
  • the circulatory system is made up of the heart, blood vessels and blood
  • humans have a double circulatory system
  • in the first one, the right ventricle pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs to take in oxygen. the blood then returns to the heart
  • in the second one the left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood all around the other organs of the body
  • the heart contracts to pump blood all around the body
  • on heart diagrams left and right are the other way round
  • the bottem bit of the heat is called the ventricals
  • the top bits of the heart are called the atriums
  • on the left side the top vein is called the aorta
  • on the left side the bottom vein is called the pulmonary vein
  • on the right side the top vein is called the pulmonary artery
  • on the right side the bottom vein is called the vena cava
  • your resting heart rate is controlled by a group of cells in the right atrium that act as a pacemaker
  • the pace maker produces the electrical impulses that control the heartbeat
  • an artificial pacemaker can be implanted if the patent has an irregular heartbeat
  • arteries- carry blood away from the heart