Genre (C3)

Cards (32)

  • Southern Gothic genre conventions
  • Social problems: drugs and poverty
  • Grotesque visuals: daddy's bones
  • characters with negative qualities: teardrop
  • outsider theme: Ree is both an outsider and an insider
  • violence theme: beating scene, teardrop and his gun
  • sense of place: the film has a poetic authenticity inside the ozark
  • fear of institution: dislike of police
  • WB as a realism genre
  • There is a focus on everyday life and it's mundanity, opening + ending
  • naturalistic camerawork: objective shots, no special effects, continuity editing, eye-level framing
  • natural lighting
  • diegetic soundtrack
  • music is intradiegetic: sang from the characters
  • sense of place: location shooting, location is a theme, guitar ballads are part of the heritage
  • WB as a dark fairy tale
  • female driven stories: conflicts and relationships are largely between women
  • atmosphere is prioritised over plot: simple storyline, focus on capturing the forgotten America and Ozark experience
  • men are opponents or protectors who arrive at the nick of time
  • main character has one goal (the heroines quest): finding her father
  • character archetypes?

    heroine = ree
    crone = mirab
    wicked stepmother claiming the younger child = sonya and blonde
    three witches = mirabs three sisters
  • WB as a western
  • hostile elements: guns, violence, horses, western clothing
  • western hero = ree (tough and self-sufficient)
  • vast desolate landscapes
  • sheriff = sheriff baskin
  • WB as a noir
  • pessimistic mood
  • morally ambiguous heroes?

    ree = illegal activates to help her family
    teardrop = helps at the end
  • themes of dark harsh atmosphere and a potential for violence
  • aesthetics = lowkey lighting + shadows
  • detective searching for answers = ree