Origins of Psychology

Cards (16)

  • 17th to 18th Century

    Psychology becoming branch of the broader discipline of philosophy
  • 1879
    Wilhelm Wundt opens first experimental psychology lab in Leipzig Germany and psychology emerges as a distinct discipline
  • 1900s
    Freud publishes the interpretation of dreams and the psychodynamic approach is born. Emphasises the influence of the unconscious mind, behaviour and psychoanalysis
  • 1913
    Watson writes psychology as the behaviours that are observed, and Skinner establishes the behaviourist approach
  • 1950
    Rogers and Abraham develop the humanistic approach. Emphasises the importance of self-determination and free will
  • 1960s A

    The cognitive revolution came with the introduction of the computer. Reintroduces the study of mental processes in a scientific way
  • 1960s B

    Bandura proposes the social learning theory approach. Draws attention to the role of cognitive factors in learning
  • 1980s
    The biological approach begins to establish itself due to advances in technology (e.g., MRI and PET scans) creating more understanding of the brain and biological processes
  • Eve of 21st century

    Cognitive neuroscience emerges (accidents, brain science) brings together the cognitive and biological approaches.
  • What were Wundt's two goals of psychology?
    To identify components of consciousness

    To identify how those components combined to result in our conscious experience
  • What is introspection?
    the informal process of exploring one's own conscious thoughts
  • What was the method of Introspection
    Wundt conducted controlled experiments with a stimulus to get participants to explain their first thought with the stimulus (e.g., a light, image or sound).
  • What were the results from introspection?
    Subjective experiences from participants were used to develop a theory of conscious thoughts.
  • What is structuralism
    Isolating conscious thoughts into basic structures of thoughts, processes and images
  • What are the pros of Wundt's study?
    Controlled methods, making it more scientific.

    Introspection experiment recorded in controlled environment.

    Standardised instructions helped forerun later scientific approaches.
  • What are the cons of Wundt's study?
    Relied on participant self-reporting.

    Subjective data

    Participants may have hidden thoughts or made false claims to satisfy researcher.

    Difficult to draw general laws from subjective data.