Sorting children into groups ('streams') based on their ability, so they can be taught separately
The self-fulfilling prophecy is very likely to happen
Becker shows that WC pupils aren't seen as the ideal pupil
Pupils not seen as the ideal pupil
Makes it harder for them to move up streams, as teacher expectations put them in the lower ones
Teacher expectations placing pupils in lower streams
Causes a self-fulfilling prophecy where the pupil lives up to the expectation of underachieving
MC pupils being placed in high ability groups due to teacher expectations
Boosts their self-concept and helps them succeed
to-C economy
Schools need a good position in exam league tables to attract pupils and funding, which is based on how many A-C grade pupils get
Educational Triage
Sorting pupils into those who will pass anyway, borderline pupils (can get a C, so receive the most resources/help), and hopeless cases who will fail regardless
Teacher stereotypes
Mean WC and black pupils are mostly labelled as hopeless cases, and are therefore put in low streams
Pupils labelled as hopeless cases and put in low streams
Makes a self-fulfilling prophecy where these pupils end up failing
Gillborn & Youdell show how teacher labelling/stereotypes combined with streaming causes a MC/WC achievement gap
Gillborn & Youdell put streaming and labelling into wider context, showing how marketisation policies have become a part of it
Pupils are not passive puppets, and the prophecy isn't always fulfilled