Utility: the satisfaction gained from the consumption of a product.
The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility: the fall in marginal utility as consumption rises.
Assuming limited income, rational behaviour and a goal to maximise total utility.
Equi-Marginal Principle: Consumers maximise their utility where their marginal valuation for each product consumed is the same.
It can be used to draw up a demand curve. Price rises for product A; marginal utility will be less than other goods and reduce the buying of consumers of A compared to other products due to their goal of maximising total utility. Through it, we get to know the level of demand for consumers.
Customers can not always put wants in order of most satisfaction, as some products may carry the same level of satisfaction or may change depending on mood.
Customers may not always be able to assign a value to their satisfaction, as it is difficult to put intangible thoughts and feelings to numbers.
It also assumes rational behaviour from consumers, that they will be satisfied with more rather than less.
total utility – the overall satisfaction that is derived from the consumption of all units of a good over a given time period
marginal utility – the additional utility derived from the consumption of one more unit of a particular good