Cards (7)

    • "I say her phrases to myself"
    • first person narration makes it personal and shows the speakers actions
    • "The day and ever"
    • repetition mimics her mothers soothing words
    • "too blue swapped for a cool grey"
    • blue connotates to the sun, warmth and comfort and contrasts with cool grey suggesting misery, col, and uncertainty
    • "What like is it."
    • conveys her inner voice is linked with her mothers, she has made an impact in her life
    • "The day and ever"
    • repeating like a comforting voice, her mother sooths her
    • "I am homesick, free, in love with the way my mother speaks"
    • she misses her childhood, her past, her mother, yet still feels free to become her own person
    • "green, erotic pond"
    • metaphor links to growing up, green suggests naivety while erotic is more of an adult theme