What are the different signs of an potential volcanic eruption?
Higher temperatures around the volcano
Ground deformation
Increased emissions of sulphur dioxide and other gases
Increased seismic activity
Name 4 long-term responses to Volcanic Hazards:
Building codes
Setting up warning systems
Education and training
Hazard mapping & land use zoning
Give 3 examples of short-term responses to volcanic hazards:
Search and rescue
Emergency aid
Predicting exactly when a volcanic eruption will happen is near impossible but volcanologists can monitor volcanoes to see signs of eruptions before they happen allowing them to warn others
Name the different equipment scientists use to monitor volcanoes:?
Hydrological equipment
Remote sensing equipment
What do seismometers measure?
Seismic activity
Why are seismometers used to monitor volcanoes?
Microquakes can be a sign of rising magma fracturing and cracking the overlying rocks which cause the eruptions
What are tiltometers measuring?
Tiltometers measure tilt or inclination (The deformation of the land)
Why are tiltometers used when monitoring and predicting volcanoes?
Tiltometers measure changes in the slope of the ground (deformations in the ground), which can indicate magma movement underground
What do magnetometers measure?
The strength of Magnetic fields
Why are magnetometers used when monitoring and predicting volcanic activity?
Magnetic anomalies. Indicate rising magma (because magma is iron - rich!!)
What does hydrological equipment measure?
Water properties / contents (the ph of water)
Why is Hydrological equipment used when monitoring and predicting volcanic activity?
Water contents can indicate changes in volcanic activity
(eg rising magma will heat groundwater and corrupt it with gases like Sulphur which change the pH of the water)
What is remote sensing equipment?
Remote solar - powered digital camera surveillance (showing changes in the main crater without endangering humans)
What changes can remote sensing equipment pick up that suggest volcanic activity?
Gas emissions
Thermal anomalies
Small eruptions
This image shows the different signs of eruptions: fill in the blanks
A) Gas emissions
B) Land Deformation
C) Thermal heat & small eruptions
D) Seismic activity
Continuous monitoring and research by organizations like the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) are crucial for improving prediction accuracy and enhancing community preparedness and safety