“Replenish the earth, and conquer it; and have domainover the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over everylivingthing that moves over the earth”
Bereshit (purpose 1)
”Utter futility!Onegeneration goes, another comes, but the earthremains the same forever”
King Solomon (purpose 2)
“Ultimateply, all is known; fear god, and observe his commandment; for this is the whole purpose of man”
KingSolomon (purpose 2 continued)
“The righteous among the world will have a share in the worldtocome”
”In whateverbody and whateverdisabledmind, there is cast a soul in the imageofgod”
Rabbi Sacks
“You shall not murder”
10 commandments
“God gives and endslife”
“Be fruitful and multiply”
“Pikuach Nefush means to save a life, in Judaism we do everything we can to protect life”
“In Judaism we believe that we make our own choices”
“A man without a wife is incomplete”
“An unmarriedwoman is an incompletevessel”
“And Sarah was barren; she had no child”
“Do not opress a stranger for you were once a stranger in the land of Egypt”Vayikra
“JusticeJustice you shall pursue ”
“Give me friendship or givemedeath”
“A person should rather let themselves be thrown into a burningfurnace than to embarrasssomeoneelse in public”
“And yet he does not leave the guiltyunpunished”
“”One who strikesa man so that he dies shall surely be puttodeath”
“A Jewishcourt that used the death penalty even once in seventyyears is considered a bloodthirstycourt!”
“Jews should greet non Jews by sayinghello and creatingapolitesocialinteraction”