Ethnicity and education

Cards (19)

  • Cultural deprivation- intellectual and linguistic skills 

    Bereiter and Englemann
    Language spoken by low income black American is inadequate for educational success
    Tend to us disjointed phrases and incapable of expressing abstract ideas
  • Cultural deprivation attitudes and values 

    Ethnic minorities more likely to be w/c
    Black children in particular are socialised to fatalistic attitude and believe there little to do to change it
  • Cultural deprivation family structure and parental support- AsIan families
    Adult authority in Asian families is similar to in school
    Children socialised into strong sense of of respecting authority figures
    Asian parents very supportive of school policies
    Leads to conformity at school and pro school attitude
    Culture is more resistant to racism giving them greater confidence and self worth
    Carries over in to school
    But black Caribbean families less resistant creating lower self esteem
  • Cultural deprivation- family s and parental support- black families 

    Black families are more likely to be headed by single mother
    Children more likely to be deprived of adequate care
    No role models for boys to look up to or discipline them
    These children become inadequate parents
    lack of fatherly figure providing though-love and nurture sons means the struggle with adolescence
    Means they turn to street gangs in search for father figure
    Often anti-school and promote rebellious behaviour
  • Material deprivation
    Pupils form Pakistani Bangladeshi heritage 3x more likely than whites to be poorest
    Unemployment is 3x higher for African Bangladeshi Pakistani people
    15% ethnic minority households live in overcrowded conditions
    Pakistanis 2x likely to be in unskilled jobs
  • Racism in wider society
    Study- sent matched job applications to 1000 vacancies
    Applicants associated with different ethnic groups
    1/16 ethnic minority applications were offered interviews
    1/9 white British applicants
    This leads to higher levels of unemployment for e/m groups having to take low paid jobs
    Has knock on effect with material deprivation
  • Teacher labelling and racism
    Studies show that teachers see black and Asian pupils as being far from ideal pupil
    See black pupils as disruptive
    See Asian pupils as passive
    These labels lead to teachers treating these students differently
    Gillborn and Youdell- A-C economy results in e/m pupils being streamed
    They also tend to be entered for lower exam ties
  • Pupil identities 1
    teachers dominant discourse defines typical e/m pupil as lacking ideal pupil
    Three types of pupil
    The ideal pupil identity
    The pathologised pupil identity
    The demonised pupil identity
  • Pupil identities 2
    E/m pupils likely to be seen as pathologised or demonised
    Black pupils demonised as loud , challenging aggressive and excessively sexual
    Those that do well can be pathologised
    Seen as achieving success in the wrong way
    They work hard and conform rather than succeeding through natural ability
    Means they can never be ideal pupil
    Successful e/m only be seen as over-achievers as proper-achievers are the ideal pupil
  • Pupil responses and subculture 1
    students can reject labels teachers give them
    Racist teacher tried to discourage black pupils from being ambitious
    Found black students focused on avoiding impact of negative teacher labels
    Most found strategies- being selective to which teachers they asked for help, not taking part in group tasks
    But these not always successful and hard to avoid consequences of negative labelling
  • Pupil responses and subculture 2 

    three types of Teacher racism
    The colour blind
    see pupils as equal but don’t change racist behaviour
    The liberal chauvinist
    Sees black pupils as culturally deprived and have low expectations
    The overt racist
    Sees students as inferior and actively discriminate
  • Pupil responses and subculture 3

    The rebels- rejected school, black macho lad, small group
    The conformists- largest group, keen to succeed, accept rules, don't want to be stereotyped
    The retreatists- small minority, isolated themselves, not liked by others
    The innovators- second largest, pro education, anti school
  • Institutional racism
    Troyna and Williams
    Not just individual racism but institutional racism
    Unconscious discrimination as part of how school operates
    Critical race theory- sees racism as ingrained feature of society
    Means involves individual and institutional racism
    Roithmayr- institutional racism is locked in inequality
    Racism is so built in it no longer need to be conscious
    Gillborn- applies critical race theory to education
    Ethnic inequalities so deep rooted and large in education it’s practically inevitable feature
  • Evaluation of institutional racism 

    Racism is not as powerful in schools so not institutionalised
    Internal racism is not strong enough to stop individuals succeeding
    Also Chinese and Indian students statistically do better in schools
    Should focus on external factors
  • Institutional racism- Marketisation and segregation 

    As select pupils, allows negative stereotypes to influence decisions
    Moore and Davenport
    Study- primary schools screened out pupils with language difficulties and applications difficult for non English speakers
    Commission for racial equality
    E/m ended up in worse schools because
    -primary schools stereotype e/m
    -racist bias in school interviews
    -lack of information and application forms in e/m languages
    -e/m parents unaware of how waiting list system works
  • Institutional racism ethnocentric curriculum 

    Troyna and Williams
    European languages more widely taught than Asian
    National curriculum is specifically British and ignored non-European cultures
    NC ignores ethnic diversity and promotes ’little Englandism’
    Produces Underachievement
    Image of black people as inferior reduces self-esteem
  • Institutional racism- Assessment
    assessment game is rigged to validate dominant cultures superiority
    If black children succeed rules will be changed to reengineer failure
    e.g. Baseline assessments to foundation stage profile
    Black students at disadvantage as FSP involves observations so stereotypes can interfere
  • Institutional racism Access to opportunity 

    Whites 2x more likely to be selected as black Caribbeans to be selected as gifted and talented
    30 schools in aim high initative to raise black Caribbean achievement where still more likely to be entered into lower exam tiers than whites
    White-Black achievement gap in maths and science tests at 14
    Result of black pupils being systematically underrepresented in entry to higher exam tiers
  • Institutional racism new IQism 

    Gillborn and Youdell
    Teachers and policymakers make false assumptions about nature of pupils ability and potential
    They see potential as fixed quantity and once measured pupil is put into ’right’ stream
    schools using old style of testing (IQ) to allocate pupils streams
    This is not measure of potential