
Cards (21)

  • What did the council do?

    Advise the king, administered the realm on his behalf, made legal judgments
  • 3 types of councillor
    Nobel, Churchmen, Laymen
  • What was the council?

    6/7 members, council of advisers, supported the king in making key decisions, permanent body
  • When was the Council Learned established?

    Second half of Henrys reign
  • What was The Council Learned function?
    Maintained the kings revenue, exploited his prerogative rights, made the system of bonds and recognisances
  • What was the Court comprised off?

    The household proper, The Chamber
  • What did the household proper do?

    Responsible for looking after the king, guests and courtiers, supervised by Lord Steward
  • What did the Chamber do?

    Presided over by Lord Chamberlain, often spoke for the monarch, member of the kings council
  • When did Henry remodel the Chamber to the Privy Chamber?

  • What was the privy chamber?

    Protected by his most intimate servants, where Henry could retreat into, cut Henry off from many of his traditional contacts
  • What was Parliament comprised of?

    House of Commons, House of Lords (more important)
  • Who could call Parliament?

    Only the king
  • When did Henry VII first call Parliament?
    November 1485
  • How many times did Henry VII call Parliament?

    Seven times, 5 in the first 10 years of his reign, only 2 in the last 14 years
  • What were early Parliaments concerned with?

    National Security, Raising Revenue
  • Who was Regional Government controlled by?

    The nobility
  • Who controlled the North-West?

    The Stanleys
  • Who ruled the North-East?

    Earl of Northumberland until 1489 the the Earl of Surry
  • What were Justices of the Peace (JPs)

    Unpaid and local gentry, met 4 times a year to deliver judgement on quarter sessions, responsible for routine administration
  • Where were the most serious cases heard?
    Courts of Assize
  • What did the Court of King's Bench deal with?

    Appeals from quarter sessions & courts of assize, could overturn the decisions from lesser courts