Marxist Approach

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  • Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
    Founders of the Marxist approach
  • The Marxist approach argues that all of history is about the struggle of the "haves" and "have nots"
  • Das Kapital (1867)

    Foundation for the Marxist theory and philosophy
  • The Communist Manifesto (1848)

    Foundation for the Marxist theory and philosophy
  • Marxist Approach
    • Focuses on socio-economic relationships in the literary device
    • Dissects the economic domination in clear terms
    • Aims to shed light on the oppressive ideology found in the literary device
    • Advocates for various means of combating oppression and increasing the freedom of the marginalized
  • Questions to ponder when analyzing using the Marxist Approach:
    1. What is the society like(in the literary device)?
    2. How does society in the literary device differ from the society you're in?
    3. Do the rich and powerful have most(if not all) of the control? How?
    4. What do you think inspired the author to create this society?