OCD characteristics and causes

Cards (24)

  • Obsessions
    Persistent and recurrent thoughts or impulses which cause anxiety - may be frightening or embarrassing
    examples : need for symmetry , fear of germs
  • Compulsions
    Repetitive behaviour or mental acts that the person feels driven to perform response to an obsessions , performing this usually lowers anxiety
    examples : counting rituals, ritualistic hand washing
  • Frequently obsessions and compulsions are related
    however the compulsion does not always follow logically from the obsession
  • Emotional characteristics 

    =feelings OCD causes
    obsessions and compulsions are a course of anxiety and stress
    sufferers are aware that their behaviour is excessive , causing feelings of embarrassment and shame
  • Cognitive characteristics
    =obsessions are the cognitive characteristics of OCD
    they are uncontrollable and person recognises that they are unreasonable
  • Behavioural characteristics
    =compulsions are the behavioural characteristics of OCD
  • Causes of mental illness 

    2-neural explanations (chemical imbalance and neuroanatomy)
  • Genetics
    Individuals inherit specific genes from their parents that are related to the onset of OCD
  • Neurotransmitters
    Released from vehicles at synapses to allow neurons to signal to eachother
  • Serotonin
    Inhibitor and related to mood and happiness
  • Dopamine
    Excitatory and related to motivation and reward
  • OCD genes 

    COMT gene may contribute
    regulated production of dopamine
    one Form of the COMT gene is more common in OCD patients than not
    variation produces lower activity of the COMT gene which causes higher dopamine
  • SERT gene 

    Also linked to OCD
    affects the transport of serotonin, creating lower levels of the transmitter
  • Polygenic
    Taylor (2013) found evidence that their might be up to 230 different genes involved in OCD
    means it’s not caused by a single gene, there are several involved
  • Evaluation, testing 

    Family studies - if genetic should expect more than one family member to have the same disorder
    twin studies - compare twins to see if both twins have same disorder
  • Chemical imbalance 

    Genes code for levels of neurotransmitters in the brain
    these chemicals transmit signals between nerves
    in mental illness levels of neurotransmitters in brain too high or too low
  • Serotonin and dopamine 

    Low levels of serotonin (SERT) and high levels of dopamine (COMT)
    abnormal levels are thought to cause malfunctions in parts of the brain (neuroatonamy)
  • Neuroatonomy
    serotonin plays a key role in the operation of the OFC therefore abnormal levels of serotonin may cause this area to malfunction
    dopamine is also linked, high levels lead to over activity in whole area of brain
  • Areas of brain
    Frontal lobe - decision making and logical thinking
    OFC is involved in decision making and worry about behaviour
    a malfunction of OFC would result in increased anxiety and planing to avoid anxiety (obsessions)
    thalamus - cleaning, checking and other safety behaviour
    overactive thalamus results in increased motivation to clean out to check for safety (compulsions)
  • Strength
    Brain activity - supporting evidence from PET scans of patients with OCD
    scan taken while symptoms are active and she heightened activity of OFC
  • Strength
    Drug treatment
    drug treatments which increase serotonin activity have been found to decrease OCD symptoms - supporting the neuro explanation
    also ha s implications for providing effective treatments for OCD
  • Weakness
    reduces complex causes to just biological factors
  • Weakness
    Deterministic - removes responsibility and makes patient feels powerless
    theory implies that if you have a COMT/SERT gene and the over reactive neuroatonamy you WILL experience OCD, removing free will from the patient
  • Diathesis stress model
    this is a better explanation as it argues need both a biological vulnerability and environmental trigger
    supporting evidence - Cromer et al
    over half of OCD patients in their sample had suffered from a traumatic event in their past