A branch of public health aimed at improving workplace health and safety standards
Something that has the potential to harm you
The likelihood of a hazard causing harm
Physical Hazards
Factors or conditions within the environment that can harm your health
Chemical Hazards
Arise from inhaling chemical agents in the form of vapor
Biological Hazards
Caused by living organisms which include insects, molds, fungi, viruses, and bacteria
Ergonomic Hazards
Workplace conditions that pose the risk of injury
Workplace health and safety is an important aspect of all workplaces. It ensures that everyone within an organisation or business is safe.
Duty of care
Workplaces have an obligation to implement Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) policies and procedures to protect employees, clients, visitors and others entering their premises from harm
Workplace health and safety legislation and regulations set out the health and safety requirements affecting all Australian workplaces and work activities.
Duty of care
A legal obligation to anticipate and address potential hazards that could cause injury or illness in the workplace
Employee responsibilities
Ensure workplace health and safety to prevent injuries to themselves and others in the workplace
Risk management and assessment
1. Identify hazards
2. Assess risk
3. Determine control measures
4. Monitor and review
Types of hazards
Assessing risk
1. Determine likelihood of risk occurring
2. Determine consequences if risk occurs
3. Consider existing controls
Hierarchy of Control
Preferred options for controlling risks: Elimination, Substitution/Isolation/Engineering, Administrative, Personal Protective Equipment
Monitoring and reviewing controls
1. Check if control implemented as intended
2. Assess adequacy of control
3. Identify any new hazards created
Workplaces must keep adequate records of their risk management process, including hazards identified, risk assessment, and control measures implemented
Risk register
A tool for documenting risks, actioning and managing them
Workplace emergency procedure
A plan to deal with sudden events or situations that require an immediate response to protect employees, customers or the public
All workplaces must have a comprehensive and well-practised emergency plan, and all workers need to be familiar with the plan and their responsibilities
Workplace health and safety legislation and regulations
Codes of practice (or compliance codes)
The law (legislation) that outlines a workplace's responsibilities and duties to ensure that the workplace they are providing is safe
The Act to be followed is different in each state/territory
The standards that need to be met for specific risks and hazards that exist in the workplace
Regulations may include manual handling and noise related risks
Regulations set out the licenses needed for specific activities and any records or reports that must be documented
The organisation responsible for ensuring that workplaces uphold the Act and any regulations required
The regulator is responsible for workplace inspections and providing advice and information relating to workplace health and safety
The regulator administers penalties when required
The regulator is different in every state/territory
Codes of practice (or compliance codes)
Provide guidance and advice for specific elements of workplace health and safety
Codes of practice are easy to read and provide practical advice for employers on how to implement and act in accordance with required legislation and regulations
If the codes of practice are implemented and applied correctly, a workplace will have complied with their workplace health and safety obligations
Codes of practice are state and territory specific
Information to document in an incident report
Person submitting the report
Details of the injured or deceased person: Their name, Position,Contactphonenumber
Current date
Their name
Date of birth
Residential address
Date of the incident
Time of the incident
Name of employer
Business address
Address or location of the incident
Occupation or job title
Whether they are/were an employee, contactor or member of the public
Work being undertaken at the Time of the incident
A brief description of injury or injuries
A brief description of the incident
Completion of a declaration that all information is accurate and true
Witness to the incident
Action taken to prevent the reoccurrence of the incident