
Cards (16)

  • Alliteration
    The use in a speech of several words close together which all begin with the same letter and sound
    e.g 'red rose'
  • Facts:
    The truth know by actual experience or observation; something known to be true
  • Opinion
    someones POV, their own thoughts, feelings, views and belief's on something thats not always based on facts.
  • Rhetorical question:
    A question asked in order to create a dramatic effect or to make a point, it doesn't require a answer
  • Repetition
    The act of repeating or writing something constantly, or more than once to create a effect
  • Emotive Language
    Certain word choices made to evoke an emotional response in the reader.
  • Statistics:
    A collection of numerical facts or measurements to support ones statement
  • Threes (rule of three)
    A tio of words, based on 3 items being memorable, emotionally resonant and persuasive
  • A
  • F
  • O
  • R:
    rhetorical question
  • R:
  • E:
    emotive language
  • S:
  • T:
    three (rule of three)