The more emphasis on MEANING the deeper the processing, and the better remembered
Attaching images to information makes it easier to remember (shoe w/ spaghetti laces)
Self-referent encoding
We better remember what we're interested in (you'd remember someone's phone number who you found extremely attractive)
Dual encoding
Combining different types of encoding aids in memory
Break info into smaller units to aid in memory (like a phone #)
Shortcuts to help us remember info easier
Acronyms-using letter to remember something (PEMDAS)
Method of loci - using locations to remember a list of items in order
Context dependent memory
Where you learn the info you best remember the info (scuba divers testing)
State dependent memory
The physical state you were in when learning is the way you should be when testing (study high, test high)
Sensory memory
Stores all incoming visual that you receive (first you have a copy)
Sensory memory
Iconic Memory-visual memory lasts 0.3 sec
Echoic Memory-auditory memory, lasts 2-3 seconds
Short Term Memory
Info passes from sensory memory to STM-less 30 secs, and can remember 7+2 items
Repeating the info resets the clock
Working Memory Model
Splits STM into 2-visual spatial memory (from iconic mem) and phonological loop (from echoic mem). A "central executive" puts it together before passing it to LTM