Gene Expression

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  • Polypeptide Chain Protein
    • Some proteins consist of one polypeptide chain into a 3D shape.
    • Some proteins contain multiple polypeptides linked together.
    • Poly = many. Peptide = proteins.
  • Protein Synthesis Outline
    • Transcription (nucleus)
    • Splicing
    mature mRNA
    • Translation (ribosomes)
    polypeptide chain of protein
  • Cell Differentiation
    • Once a zygote has developed into a gastrula, it then develops into different types of specialised cells.
    • This is shown on the image on the right.
    • Every somatic cell (all cells except sperm and egg) contains all genetic information to carry out every function.
  • Cell Differentiation
    • Cell differentiation is the process where unspecialised stem cells (a blank cell) changes to a specialised cell.
    • The new cell has a specific structure and specialised function.
    • There are roughly 230 types of specialised cells in humans.
  • Phenotype
    • Sister chromosomes (chromatids that contain same size, genes, etc.) control the phenotypic characteristics – the physical characteristics expressed from genes within an organism.
    • A pair of these (e.g. after cell replication) is referred to as a homologous chromosome pair.
  • Alleles
    • Genes that are on corresponding pairs of chromosomes are known as alleles.
    • This makes up an organisms genotype.
    • Alleles are alternative forms of the same gene, and will express certain characteristics based on dominant and recessive genes.
    • This will result in different physical characteristics.
    • Different genes (alleles) appear due to mutations in the DNA in genes (covering later).
  • Cell Differentiation
    • Specialised cells contain epigenetic tags.
    • These help activate and silence (turn on and off) specific genes in the cell.
    • This allows stem cells to become specialised cells. E.g. muscle cells or red blood cells.
    • Epigenetic tags are passed down during mitosis (cell division). This ensures daughter cells contain the same information to make the correct cells.
  • Environmental Factors
    • It’s also suggested that environmental factors of an organism also influence the physical characteristics displayed by the organism.
    • Therefore, the relationship between phenotype and genotype can be expressed as:
    • P=G+E
    • P = phenotype
    • G = genotype
    • E = environment
  • Stem Cells
    There's two main type of Stem Cells
    • Can develop into some cell types only
    • Are more limited than pluripotent
    • E.g. stem cell that can only develop into different blood cells (red, white, platelets)
    • Are generally adult stem cells
    • Have potential to develop into any human cell
    • Are generally embryonic stem cells
    • Scientists have developed techniques to make multipotent stem cells act more like pluripotent, but this is still developing (induced pluripotent stem cells)
  • Stem Cells
    • Therefore, stem cells are unspecialised and can differentiate into all specialised cells.
    • This makes up all tissues and organs in an organism.
    • Cell differentiation results from the regulation of gene expression.
    • Essentially some cells will have the ability to turn genes “on or off”.
    • All cells will have some genes always turned on. These are referred to as house keeping genes which are involved in general maintenance and energy provisions of the cell.
  • Stem Cells
    Scientists are beginning to understand the exact signals that are involved in determining why cells in different regions and positions, develop differently.
    • Signal molecules released from one cell bind to the surface cell receptors on target cells. These signals may act as regulators of genes in the target cells nucleus.
    • Interaction of membrane proteins on cells may initiate signal molecules.
  • Epigenetics
    • Epigenetics is the study of how external factors affect gene expression.
    • These are generally due to environmental factors.
    • Our DNA develops ‘chemical tags’ called collectively epigenome.
    • The chemical tags don’t affect the DNA base sequence (A, C, G, T), but change how cells are able to read the DNA and express specific genes.
    • Two main types of chemical tags:
    • Methylation of cytosine bases.
    • Acetylation of histone proteins.
  • Factors Controlling Transcription
    • Gene expression is regulated by a range of cellular processes. Genes can be “switched on”, causing transcription, or “switched off”, preventing transcription from occurring.
    • Some genes are always switched on while others turn on and off.
  • Factors Controlling Transcription
    Factors that control transcription are:
    • Transcription factorspromoter sequence (proteins) which will start or prevent transcription (assist/hinder RNA polymerase binding).
    • Methylation of cytosine bases – a methyl group (CH3) group is added to DNA strand, usually the cytosine nitrogenous base. Inhibits (stops) RNA polymerase from binding to DNA.
    • Histone modificationacetylation of histone proteins will decondense (loosen) DNA, making easier to transcribe. Deacetylation will coil DNA tighter (condense), making transcription more difficult.
  • Epigenetics
    • Is the reason as to why identical twins can grow up and be vastly different.
    • Twins will be genetically identical but epigenetically different.
    • Same with clones.
    • Some epigenetic tags are now thought to be passed down from parents to offspring, affecting their growth and development.
    • Can affect an organism for its life, or be temporary.
    • Can lead to disease.
    • Can be affected by diet, chemical exposure and medication.
  • Factors Controlling Translation
    • Multicellular organisms require many copies of the same protein.
    • Translated mRNA can be translated by multiple ribosomes to produce polypeptides or proteins in bulk.
    • Ribosomes will continue to translate (read) the mRNA until a signal to stop is provided.
    • There are other translation factors which can coordinate the synthesis or polypeptides and proteins. Three examples (there are many more) are:
    • Small interfering RNA (siRNA)
    • Long non-coding RNA (lncRNA)
    • Micro RNA (miRNA)
  • Factors controlling translation
    Micro RNA (miRNA)
    • Small non-coding RNA molecules consisting of 22 nucleotides.
    • Will help regulate gene expression after transcription.
    • Will bind to a base of the mRNA, preventing ribosome from accessing the mRNA.
    Small interfering RNA (siRNA)
    • Known as silencing specific RNA that prevent translation of mRNA.
    • Similar size to micro RNA (21 nucleotides in size).
    • Will bind to mRNA
  • Factors controlling translation
    • Long non-coding RNA (lncRNA)
    • lncRNA has many functions on controlling gene expression.
    • Focus here is its role as a translation factor.
    • Longer than miRNA and siRNA – about 200 nucleotides.
    • lncRNA will generally bind to miRNA, which prevents miRNA from inhibiting mRNA.
    • This promotes and increases translation.
  • Factors Influencing Gene Expression
    • Phenotype (physical observable traits) is affected by an individuals genotype and the environment conditions its exposed to over its life.
    • Some factors that are known to influence gene expression:
    • Gender
    • Some genes are expressed differently in males than females. The hormones testosterone and dihydro testosterone are responsible for male pattern baldness. Dihydro testosterone will shrink hair follicles.
  • Factors Influencing Gene Expression
    • Many chemicals can interfere with gene expression, including illicit drugs, arsenics, methyl mercury and benzene.
    • One particular drug (thalidomide) was used in 1950’s and 60’s to combat morning sickness. However, thalidomide affected gene expression of arm and/or leg development.
  • Factors Influencing Gene Expression
    • Some genes are expressed differently due to different temperatures.
    • Rabbit in Himalayas has a gene active between 15-25 degrees Celsius. This gene causes the white rabbit to have fur turn black.
    • Similar to UV light in skin cells in humans producing melanin.
  • Factors Influencing Gene Expression
    Diet and lifestyle
    • Diet plays many roles in gene expression. Some are immediate while others are longer lasting.
    • An example is consuming lots of sugar, producing large amounts of the hormone insulin.
  • Factors Influencing Gene Expression
    • Studies show that epigenetic trauma tags can be passed down.
    • Examples are holocaust survivors offspring and release of stress hormones.
  • Epigenetic Changes and Disease
    • Many diseases linked to epigenetic changes to DNA and histones, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, some auto-immune diseases.
    • Studies suggest environmental factors such as diet, stress, exposure to cigarette smoke, heavy metals and other chemicals may change patterns in DNA methylation, and healthy gene expression.
    • Cancer is caused by uncontrolled cell division. Genes associated with cell division are highly regulated/controlled. Epigenetic factors can affect the expression of these genes, causing uncontrolled cell division.
  • Genes Associated with Cell Division
    • Proto-oncogenes normally code for proteins involved in promoting cell division
    • Decreased methylation to DNA can therefore promote cell division and if uncontrolled, lead to the formation of cancers
  • Genes Associated with Cell Division
    Tumour Suppression Genes
    • Under normal circumstances, these genes code for proteins that suppress or inhibit cell division
    • This helps keep the number of new cells in a tissue 'in check' and suppresses tumour formation
    • Increased DNA methylation of tumour suppression genes switches them off and the proteins suppressing tumour formation can no longer be produced (or in much small amounts)
    • As a result, uncontrolled division and a tumour could develop due to lack of normal cell division suppression.
  • Genes Associated with Cell Division
    DNA Repair Genes
    • DNA repair genes can be activated to produce proteins involved in the repair of damaged DNA
    • Increased methylation to DNA repair genes would result in them being turned off. Consequently, less damaged DNA would be repaired, and damaged DNA would accumulate
    • This increases the risk of uncontrolled cell division and cancer developing
  • Stem Cells
    Three main types of stem cells:
    • Embryonic stem cells – extraction of leftover fertilised ovum (pre-fetus).
    • Adult stem cells – extracted from areas such as bone marrow and umbilical cord.
    • Induced pluripotent stem cells (IPS cells) – methods to try to reprogram stem cells (e.g. skin cells or blood cells) in ways to make it become like a stem cell again.
  • Therapeutic Cloning
    • The use of unspecialised stem cells.
    • Scientists use different techniques to control gene expression, and therefore the type of specialised cell it will differentiate into.
    • Scientists are able to replaced damaged or diseased cells, with healthy ones due to this.
    • There are limitations: injecting stem cells into someone can cause:
    • Rejection of stem cells
    • Development of wrong tissue type
    • Tumour formation.