Some proteins consist of onepolypeptide chain into a 3Dshape.
Some proteins contain multiplepolypeptides linked together.
Poly = many. Peptide = proteins.
Protein Synthesis Outline
Transcription (nucleus)
Translation (ribosomes)
polypeptidechain of protein
Cell Differentiation
Once a zygote has developed into a gastrula, it then develops into differenttypes of specialisedcells.
This is shown on the image on the right.
Every somaticcell (all cells exceptsperm and egg) contains all geneticinformation to carry out everyfunction.
Cell Differentiation
Cell differentiation is the process where unspecialisedstemcells (a blank cell) changes to a specialisedcell.
The new cell has a specificstructure and specialisedfunction.
There are roughly 230 types of specialised cells in humans.
Sister chromosomes (chromatids that contain same size, genes, etc.) control the phenotypiccharacteristics – the physicalcharacteristics expressed from genes within an organism.
A pair of these (e.g. after cell replication) is referred to as a homologous chromosome pair.
Genes that are on correspondingpairs of chromosomes are known as alleles.
This makes up an organisms genotype.
Alleles are alternativeforms of the samegene, and will express certaincharacteristics based on dominant and recessive genes.
This will result in different physicalcharacteristics.
Different genes (alleles) appear due to mutations in the DNA in genes (covering later).
Cell Differentiation
Specialisedcells contain epigenetic tags.
These help activate and silence (turn on and off) specificgenes in the cell.
This allows stemcells to become specialised cells. E.g. muscle cells or red blood cells.
Epigenetictags are passeddown during mitosis (cell division). This ensures daughter cells contain the sameinformation to make the correctcells.
Environmental Factors
It’s also suggested that environmentalfactors of an organism also influence the physicalcharacteristics displayed by the organism.
Therefore, the relationship between phenotype and genotype can be expressed as:
P = phenotype
G = genotype
E = environment
Stem Cells
There's two main type of Stem Cells
Can develop into somecelltypes only
Are more limited than pluripotent
E.g. stem cell that can only develop into different blood cells (red, white, platelets)
Are generally adultstemcells
Have potential to develop into anyhumancell
Are generally embryonicstemcells
Scientists have developed techniques to make multipotentstem cells act more like pluripotent, but this is still developing (induced pluripotent stem cells)
Stem Cells
Therefore, stem cells are unspecialised and can differentiate into allspecialisedcells.
This makes up all tissues and organs in an organism.
Celldifferentiation results from the regulation of gene expression.
Essentially some cells will have the ability to turn genes“on or off”.
All cells will have some genes always turnedon. These are referred to as house keepinggenes which are involved in generalmaintenance and energy provisions of the cell.
Stem Cells
Scientists are beginning to understand the exact signals that are involved in determining why cells in different regions and positions, develop differently.
Signal molecules released from onecellbind to the surfacecellreceptors on targetcells. These signals may act as regulators of genes in the targetcellsnucleus.
Interaction of membrane proteins on cells may initiatesignalmolecules.
Epigenetics is the study of how externalfactors affect geneexpression.
These are generally due to environmentalfactors.
Our DNA develops ‘chemical tags’ called collectivelyepigenome.
The chemical tags don’t affect the DNA base sequence (A, C, G, T), but change how cells are able to read the DNA and expressspecificgenes.
Two main types of chemical tags:
Methylation of cytosine bases.
Acetylation of histone proteins.
Factors Controlling Transcription
Gene expression is regulated by a range of cellularprocesses. Genes can be “switchedon”, causing transcription, or “switchedoff”, preventingtranscription from occurring.
Some genes are always switchedon while others turnon and off.
Factors Controlling Transcription
Factors that control transcription are:
Transcriptionfactors – promoter sequence (proteins) which will start or preventtranscription (assist/hinderRNApolymerasebinding).
Methylation of cytosinebases – a methylgroup (CH3) group is added to DNA strand, usually the cytosinenitrogenousbase.Inhibits (stops) RNApolymerase from binding to DNA.
Histonemodification – acetylation of histoneproteins will decondense (loosen) DNA, making easier to transcribe. Deacetylation will coil DNAtighter (condense), making transcription more difficult.
Is the reason as to why identical twins can grow up and be vastlydifferent.
Twins will be genetically identical but epigenetically different.
Same with clones.
Some epigenetic tags are now thought to be passeddown from parents to offspring, affecting their growth and development.
Can affect an organism for its life, or be temporary.
Can lead to disease.
Can be affected by diet, chemical exposure and medication.
Factors Controlling Translation
Multicellularorganisms require manycopies of the sameprotein.
Translated mRNA can be translated by multipleribosomes to producepolypeptides or proteins in bulk.
Ribosomes will continue to translate (read) the mRNA until a signal to stop is provided.
There are other translationfactors which can coordinate the synthesis or polypeptides and proteins. Three examples (there are many more) are:
SmallinterferingRNA (siRNA)
Longnon-codingRNA (lncRNA)
MicroRNA (miRNA)
Factors controlling translation
Micro RNA (miRNA)
Small non-codingRNA molecules consisting of 22nucleotides.
Will help regulategeneexpression after transcription.
Will bind to a base of the mRNA, preventingribosome from accessing the mRNA.
Small interfering RNA (siRNA)
Known as silencingspecificRNA that preventtranslation of mRNA.
Similarsize to microRNA (21nucleotides in size).
Will bind to mRNA
Factors controlling translation
Longnon-codingRNA (lncRNA)
lncRNA has many functions on controllinggene expression.
Focus here is its role as a translation factor.
Longer than miRNA and siRNA – about 200nucleotides.
lncRNA will generally bind to miRNA, which preventsmiRNA from inhibitingmRNA.
This promotes and increasestranslation.
Factors Influencing Gene Expression
Phenotype (physicalobservabletraits) is affected by an individualsgenotype and the environmentconditions its exposed to over its life.
Some factors that are known to influence gene expression:
Some genes are expressed differently in males than females. The hormonestestosterone and dihydrotestosterone are responsible for malepatternbaldness. Dihydro testosterone will shrink hair follicles.
Factors Influencing Gene Expression
Many chemicals can interfere with geneexpression, including illicitdrugs, arsenics, methyl mercury and benzene.
One particular drug (thalidomide) was used in 1950’s and 60’s to combat morning sickness. However, thalidomide affected geneexpression of arm and/or legdevelopment.
Factors Influencing Gene Expression
Some genes are expressed differently due to different temperatures.
Rabbit in Himalayas has a gene active between 15-25 degrees Celsius. This gene causes the whiterabbit to have fur turnblack.
Similar to UV light in skincells in humans producing melanin.
Factors Influencing Gene Expression
Diet and lifestyle
Diet plays many roles in geneexpression. Some are immediate while others are longerlasting.
An example is consuming lots of sugar, producing large amounts of the hormoneinsulin.
Factors Influencing Gene Expression
Studies show that epigenetic trauma tags can be passeddown.
Examples are holocaust survivors offspring and release of stress hormones.
Epigenetic Changes and Disease
Many diseases linked to epigeneticchanges to DNA and histones, such as cancer, cardiovasculardisease, some auto-immunediseases.
Studies suggest environmentalfactors such as diet, stress, exposure to cigarettesmoke, heavy metals and other chemicals may change patterns in DNAmethylation, and healthygeneexpression.
Cancer is caused by uncontrolledcelldivision. Genes associated with celldivision are highlyregulated/controlled. Epigenetic factors can affect the expression of these genes, causing uncontrolledcelldivision.
Genes Associated with Cell Division
Proto-oncogenes normally code for proteins involved in promotingcelldivision
Decreased methylation to DNA can therefore promotecell division and if uncontrolled, lead to the formation of cancers
Genes Associated with Cell Division
Tumour Suppression Genes
Under normalcircumstances, these genes code for proteins that suppress or inhibit cell division
This helps keep the number of newcells in a tissue'incheck' and suppressestumour formation
IncreasedDNAmethylation of tumoursuppressiongenes switches them off and the proteins suppressing tumour formation can no longer be produced (or in much smallamounts)
As a result, uncontrolleddivision and a tumour could develop due to lack of normal cell division suppression.
Genes Associated with Cell Division
DNA Repair Genes
DNA repair genes can be activated to produce proteins involved in the repair of damaged DNA
Increased methylation to DNA repair genes would result in them being turned off. Consequently, less damaged DNA would be repaired, and damaged DNA would accumulate
This increases the risk of uncontrolled cell division and cancer developing
Stem Cells
Three main types of stem cells:
Embryonic stem cells – extraction of leftover fertilised ovum (pre-fetus).
Adult stem cells – extracted from areas such as bone marrow and umbilical cord.
Induced pluripotent stem cells (IPS cells) – methods to try to reprogramstemcells (e.g. skin cells or blood cells) in ways to make it become like a stem cell again.
Therapeutic Cloning
The use of unspecialised stem cells.
Scientists use differenttechniques to control gene expression, and therefore the type of specialised cell it will differentiate into.
Scientists are able to replaced damaged or diseased cells, with healthy ones due to this.
There are limitations: injecting stem cells into someone can cause: