Nitrogen Cycle

Cards (16)

  • What percentage of gas in the atmosphere is nitrogen?

  • Why can't nitrogen be used directly by plants or animals?
    Because it is very unreactive
  • What is nitrogen needed for?
    Making proteins for growth
  • Where do plants get their nitrogen from?

  • Where do animals get protein from?
    Eating plants
  • Nitrogen fixation

    it's the process of turning N2 , from the air into nitrogen compounds in the soil which plants can use. There are two main ways that this happens
  • How many ways can nitrogen be turned in to nitrogen compounds?
  • What are the ways that turn nitrogen into nitrogen compounds?

    - Lightning
    - Nitrogen-fixing bacteria
  • Nitrogen-fixing bacteria

    Is in soil and the roots of some plants
  • Lightning
    There's so much energy in a bolt of lightning that it's enough to make nitrogen react with oxygen in the air to give nitrates.
  • How many types of nitrogen-foxing bacteria are there?
  • What are the types of nitrogen-fixing bacteria?

    - Decomposers
    - Nitrifying bacteria
    - Nitrogen-fixing bacteria
    - Denitrifying bacteria
  • Decomposers
    - Break down proteins (in rotting plants and animals) and urea (in animal waste) and turn them into ammonia (a nitrogen compound)
    - This forms ammonium ions in the soil
  • Nitrifying bacteria

    - Turn ammonium ions in decaying matter into nitrates (nitrification)
  • What is nitrogen-fixing bacteria?

    Turn atmospheric N, into nitrogen compounds that plants can use
  • Denitrifying bacteria

    - Turn nitrates back into N, gas.
    - This is of no benefit to living organisms