The Catholic church wanted to stop the spread of Islam. It's role was significant in encouraging the monarchies , especially the Catholic kingdoms of Spain and Portugal, to expand their territories overseas.
Economic (Gold)
The wealth of the country is measured by the amount of gold and silver, this is the mercantilism system that existed then. The mercantilism policy in Europe at that time led to voyages to discover other land sources of wealth.
Political (Glory)
The fame and power sought after will be achieved by gaining newconquered lands.
The Travels of MarcoPolo
Marco Polo was a Venetian traveler who was the first European to reach China. His experiences were written in a book called "The Travels of Marco Polo". Europeans who read it were encouraged to look for wealth in the East.
As the Catholics in Europe supported the military expedition, they saw the rich culture of the East, they were attracted by the products and goods, especially the spices.
Fall of Constantinople
Constantinople then served as the shortest route to the East. It was easy for the Muslim Turks to conquer it, because of the conflict between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church.
Europeans were prevented from going to the East and they imposed high taxes. This added to the determination of Westerners to find another route.
Monopoly in Trading
The monopoly of trade with the East was held only by the Italian city-state. Because of this, the benefit of this trade was seen by countries like England, France, Spain, and Portugal, so they started looking for a new route.
Newsailing technologies
Many discoveries began with much knowledge and wisdom during the Enlightenment period. The compass and astrolabe are two of the most important instruments that helped to cross the Atlantic Ocean. The new design of the caravel vessel was created to withstand the strong winds of any storm.
Portugal took the lead in the exploration due to Prince Henry the Navigator's efforts.
He gathered information in map-making, excellent ships, and navigational instruments.
He built a sailing school and financed voyages to the west coast of Africa
As a result, the Portuguese were able to reach Azores, Madeira, Canary, and Cape Verde Islands.
Established trading posts
Built towers that controlled the trade of gold, ivory, and slaves in West Africa
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella financed voyages to find goods, spread Catholicism, and make Spain a powerful nation.
They knew that was a direct route that goes east to west.
Christopher Columbus
An Italian explorer
His expeditions with the goal of reaching Japan was funded by Spain, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabelle
He believed that the earth was round, so he was convinced that he will reach Asia by going west
In 1492, along with this three ships, Pita, Niña, and Santa Maria, landed on Bahamas which he named San Salvador
He thought he had reached India, so he called the natives there "Indians"
Until his death in 1506, he believed he had reached Asia
Amerigo Vespucci
In 1499, Amerigo Vespucci sailed the Atlantic in 1499, he found out that the land discovered by Columbus was not Asia, but the New World
Later on, the New World was called "America" in honor of Amerigo Vespucci.
Treaty of Tordesillas
Setubal, Portugal
In June4,1494 the Treaty of Tordesillas had divided up the newly discovered world into separate Portuguese and Spanish spheres of influence.
The easy route around the Cape of GoodHope was to be reserved for the Portuguese while the route across the Atlantic (except for the eastern hump of South America) was assigned to Spain.
East = Portugal, West = Spain
Father of New France
Samuel de Champlain
He was considered the founder of the French colony in the New World because of his establishment in Quebec near St.LawrenceRiver
Began the dominance of fur trade that extended to the Great Lakes
Dutch West Indies Company
Company founded in 1621 with the primary goal of exploiting and developing trade opportunities in the Americas, particularly in the Caribbean region and along the western coast of Africa
Establishment of Dutch West Indies Company
1. Founded in 1621
2. Exploiting and developing trade opportunities in the Americas, particularly in the Caribbean region and along the western coast of Africa
Settlements established by Dutch West Indies Company
Trading post at Fort Orange near the Hudson River & the Mohawk River
Settlement called New Amsterdam on the island of Manhattan
New Netherlands
Lands between Fort Orange and New Amsterdam
New Netherlands had a good start but was eventually conquered by Charles II of England
New Netherlands was renamed New York, after the king's brother, the Duke of York
Dutch West Indies Company (Netherlands)
Capitalize on Hudson's discovery
In 1624, established a trading post at Fort Orange near Hudson and Mohawk River
The lands between Fort Orange and New Amsterdam were called New Netherlands