Opens gated sodium channels and allows sodium ions to flow into the cell. Neurons fire during depolarization
Rational-Emotive Behavioral Therapy
A therapy approach that focuses on managingirrational or unhealthy thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, focuses on actions
Robert Rescorla's ContingencyModel of Classical Conditioning
States that conditioning only occurs when one event reliably predicts another
Alfred Binet
Developed the first practical IQ test, Binet-Simon test assesses five cognitive factors: fluid reasoning, knowledge, quantitative, visual-spatial, workingmemory
Parasympathetic vs Sympathetic
PNS: Rest and Digest
SNS: Flight or Fight
A type of mind-body technique you use to control some of your body's functions like heart-rate, breathing patterns and muscle responses
Standardized psychological test that evaluates personality traits and psychopathology in adults
Frequency Distribution
Negative = Hill to the right, Positive = Hill to the left
Partial Reinforcement Schedules and Resistance
Make behaviors moreresistant to extinction than continuous because it strengthens the target behavior even when reinforcement is absent, to learn quickly in the beginning use continuous, then switch for retainment