Our characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting. PERSONALITY
Freud’s psychoanalytic perspective proposed that CHILDHOOD SEXUALITY AND UNCONCIOUS motivations influence personality.
large below the surface area which contains thoughts, wishes, feelings and memories, of which we are unaware. UNCONSCIOUS
the patient is asked to relax and say whatever comes to mind, no matter how embarrassing or trivial. FREE ASSOCIATION
paralysis or improper functioning of the body. HYSTERIA
all those drives, urges or instincts that are beyond our awareness. UNCONCIOUS
all those elements that are not conscious but can become quite readily or with some difficulty. PRE-CONSCIOUS
all those elements in awareness at any given time. CONSCIOUS
operates on the pleasure principle. reservoir of unconscious psychic energy constantly striving to satisfy basic drives to survive, reproduce, and aggress. ID
operates on the reality principle. the largely conscious, “executive” part of personality that, according to Freud, mediates the demands of the id, superego, and reality. EGO
operates the morality principle. represents internalized ideals and provides standards for judgment (the conscious) and for future aspirations. SUPEREGO
mouth sucking, chewing, biting. ORAL STAGE
bowel and bladder elimination. ANAL STAGE
was found by Freud through dream interpretation. OEDIPUS AND ELECTRA COMPLEX
came from the greek mythology king Oedipus. OEDIPUS
IDENTIFICATION before OEDIPUS COMPLEX (identification: he wants to be his father, will then be attracted to their mother.
the boy will think that the father cut the penis of his mother’s penis, that resolves the oedipus complex. CASTRATION ANXIETY
wants to be their mother, this won’t last once they become aware of reproductive differences. ELECTRA COMPLEX
According to Freud, the basis of dominance in the society is PENIS
parapraxes. Laps of memory or mental error, slip of the tounge, due to uncocnscious associations and motives. FREUDIAN SLIPS
having one word and freely associating any word with it. FREE RECALL or FREE ASSOCIATION
unpleasant state accompanied by the physical sensation. ANXIETY
id. Apprehension of unknown danger. NEUROTIC ANXIETY
superego. fear of retribution of one’s own conscience. (guilt) MORAL ANXIETY
ego. fear of real danger. REALITY ANXIETY
the only one who experiences anxiety. EGO
tactics that reduce or redirect anxiety, but always by distorting reality done because of too much anxiety for our ego. DEFENSE MECHANISM
threatening thoughts into the unconscious. Dangerous but have a long term consequences. REPRESSION
defense mechanism that is present at all defense mechanisms. REPRESSION
overemphasizing the opposite in one’s thought and words. REACTION FORMATION
refuse to acknowledge the provoking stimuli. DENIAL
Imposing the negative impulse to other people. PROJECTION
Shifting the negative impulse from the true cause. DISPLACEMENT
only positive mechanism. Convert the negative impulse into socially acceptable forms. SUBLIMATION
one returns to an earlier or safer stage of one’s life to escape present threats. REGRESSION
try to use logical explanations to protect your ego, to rationalize the negative impulse. RATIONALIZATION
similar to Undo. after the negative impulse, will try to start from the start. UNDOING
an unconscious process wherein one takes components of another person's identity, such as feelings, experiences and cognitive functioning, and transfers them inside themselves, making such experiences part of their new psychic structure. INTROJECTION
Freud gave six theories which are: theory of MOTIVATION, theory of THINKING, theory of PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT, theory of MENTAL STRUCTURES, theory of PSYCHOPATHOLOGY and SYMPTOMP FORMATION, and theory of PSYCHOTHERAPY.
Formed the Wednesday Psychological Society with Frued: ADLER, STEKEL, KAHANE, REITLER