Upper Airway Aerodynamics

Cards (59)

  • Articulators
    Movable structures in the vocal tract that influence how speech sounds are produced
  • Resistance
    Opposition to airflow through the vocal tract
  • Impedance
    Opposition to the propagation of acoustic energy through the vocal tract
  • VP-Nasal Airway Resistance
    • Resistance to airflow through the velopharyngeal port, outer nose, and nasal cavities
    • Affected by status of VP mechanism and nasal airway status
    • Changes with speed of air flow (turbulent is faster and has higher resistance)
  • VP-Nasal Acoustic Impedance
    • Opposition to the propagation of acoustic energy through the velopharyngeal port and nasal cavities
    • VP port can be adjusted to influence the degree of coupling between oral and nasal cavities
  • VP Closure Forces

    Forces required to close the velopharyngeal port
  • VP Function During Speech

    How the velopharyngeal mechanism operates during speech
  • Pharyngeal-Oral Flow
    Airflow through the pharyngeal and oral cavities
  • Velopharyngeal Airflow
    • Aerodynamic effect of VP
    • Resistance
    • Opposition to airflow through VP port, nasal cavities, outer nose
    • Resistance affected by status of VP mechanism and by nasal airway status
    • Resistance also changes with the speed of air flow
  • VP-Nasal Acoustic Impedance
    • Acoustic effect of VP
    • Impedance
    • The opposition to the propagation of acoustic energy
    • VP port can be adjusted to influence degree of coupling between oral and nasal cavities
    • How much sound energy goes through each cavity
  • VP-Oral Tract Closed
    Sound energy passes nasally, oral cavity acts as acoustic side branch
  • VP Closure Forces

    • Velum must contact posterior pharyngeal wall with sufficient tightness
    • Different tasks require different levels of compressive force
    • VP closure may be adversely affected by conditions that prevent velar closure muscles from generating sufficient force
  • VP Incompetence
    Can result from physiological issues (size of palate or velum, cleft palate) or from usage patterns (very high oral pressures, brass instrument players, stress VPI)
  • Palatal Clefting

    • Incorrect fusing of two halves of maxilla
  • VP Function During Speech

    • Movement patterns
    • Height variation
    • Gravity
  • Velum Movement Patterns

    • Elevate the velum
    • Move lateral pharyngeal wall inward
    • Both (A) and (B)
    • Both (A) and (B) and move the posterior pharyngeal wall forward
  • Velum Height Variation in Speech
    • Velar elevation greater for high vowels than for low vowels
  • Gravity and Velar Elevation
    The position of the body/head relative to gravity influences the resting position of the velum
  • Pharyngeal-Oral Lumen Size & Configuration
    • Variation in the lumen of each cavity is a result of adjustments in position of structures lining the airway
  • Finite Element Model of Vocal Tract

    • Can use finite element models to e.g., model how cavities change as a result of muscle activation
  • Pharyngeal-Oral Airway Resistance
    • Opposition to airflow through tract
    • Greatly affected by changes in vocal tract cross sectional area
    • Length change has a secondary effect
    • Most sensitive to changes in oropharynx, oral cavity, oral vestibule
  • Variation in IOP with Voicing and Manner
    • Intraoral air pressure (IOP)
    • IOP for Vowels: close to atmospheric
    • IOP for Consonants: greater than atmospheric
  • Variation in IOP with Age

    • Tend to see higher IOP for children
    • Vocal tract size
    • Comfortable speaking level
  • Variation in peak airflow with age and sex
    • Adults > Children
    • Male adults > female adults
    • Recoil forces increase with age and size of lungs
  • Pharyngeal-Oral Acoustic Impedance

    • Opposition to movement of energy (sound waves) through vocal tract
    • Affected by changes in cross sectional area of tract
  • Pharyngeal-Oral Biological Functions: Chewing and swallowing
  • VP Port Closed: Nearly all sound energy travels through oral cavity
  • VP Port Open: Sound energy travels through oral and nasal cavities
  • Cavity with lower resistance will have greater sound energy travel throguh
  • Cavities can exchange sound energy
  • Low vowels require low compressive force
  • Oral consonants such as sibilants or stops require high compressive force
  • High vowels tend to have higher compressive force
  • Consequences of Palatal clefting
    • Smaller palatal levator
    • Muscle malpositioning
    • Muscle abnormalities
    • Scarring
  • People with cleft palates may not be able to exert as much closure force, and it may require significantly more muscle effort to do so, raising possibility of fatigue
  • High vowels are more likely to be produced with a closed VP and greater closure force
  • Velar elevation is related to tongue position and oral acoustic impedance
  • Tethering is likely not responsible for velum height for high vs. low vowels
  • Upright posture - gravity acts to lower the velum, needs muscle effort to overcome forces during closing, muscle forces to open velum will be augmented by gravitational pull
  • Supine posture - Gravity acts to pull velum toward posterior pharyngeal wall, closure muscle forces augments pull, opening forces work against it