Can result from physiological issues (size of palate or velum, cleft palate) or from usage patterns (very highoral pressures, brass instrument players, stress VPI)
VP Port Closed: Nearly all sound energy travels through oral cavity
VP Port Open: Sound energy travels through oral and nasal cavities
Cavity with lower resistance will have greater sound energy travel throguh
Cavities can exchange sound energy
Low vowels require low compressive force
Oral consonants such as sibilants or stops require high compressive force
High vowels tend to have higher compressive force
Consequences of Palatal clefting
Smaller palatal levator
Muscle malpositioning
Muscle abnormalities
People with cleft palates may not be able to exert as much closure force, and it may require significantly more muscle effort to do so, raising possibility of fatigue
High vowels are more likely to be produced with a closed VP and greater closure force
Velar elevation is related to tongue position and oral acoustic impedance
Tethering is likely not responsible for velum height for high vs. low vowels
Upright posture - gravity acts to lower the velum, needs muscle effort to overcome forces during closing, muscle forces to open velum will be augmented by gravitational pull
Supine posture - Gravity acts to pull velum toward posterior pharyngeal wall, closure muscle forces augments pull, opening forces work against it